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Alec was running out of ideas. A necklace and a dress and then what? He could paint a bracelet or earrings perhaps. But nothing seemed like something Camille would be interested in.

He paced the bushes outside the castle, paintbrush in hand as he thought.

There were a dozen little trinkets littering the bushes when the North Wind blustered past. She was as beautiful as Alec remembered, her wild curls swirling about, blown by an unseen breeze. Her eyes pierced straight through his soul as she hovered above him, peering down at the gold accessories scattered in his lap.

Alec flushed at her questioning stare.

"I'm trading for one more night to see Magnus," he explained, tucking his paintbrush back into his pocket.

The North Wind raised her eyebrows, shaking her head.

"You don't need to," she said, gesturing with her chin.

Alec followed her gaze to see Raphael skulking in the shadows cast by the castle. If he did not know better, he would say the vampire almost looked worried.

"Raphael," he said, sticking his hand into the pocket that held the paintbrush.

"You must come quickly," Raphael said without acknowledging him. "I fear the queen has done something terrible to Magnus."

Alec blinked, fear seizing his heart.

"Why would you tell me this?" he asked sharply, "you are Camille's servant."

Raphael narrowed his eyes, hissing through his teeth.

"The queen is growing more dangerous. More reckless. You can stop her. If you can wake Magnus," he said instead, the muscle in his jaw jumping.

"Wake Magnus?" Alec questioned.

Instead of answering, Raphael grabbed him by the wrist. His fingers were so pale and freezing cold. Alec yelped when he was yanked forward, staggering into the shadows. His heart thumped wildly in his chest as he followed Raphael around the back of the castle.

Embedded in the stone, was a wooden door with a single lock. Raphael wrenched the door open roughly, not even checking if Alec was following before scuttling up the spiralling stairs like a crab.

The stone steps were lit by torches that flickered, casting shadows as they ran up the tower.

An archway of light shone in at last, when Alec was soaked with sweat.

Raphael went first, barring the way when a cluster of vampires hurried past, drunk off their asses. Alec did not want to know what they had gotten drunk on at all. His stomach turned when a scent of blood followed them all the way down the hallway.

"What do you get out of this anyway?" he hissed at Raphael, the vampire speeding down the hall so quickly that he could barely keep up. "I thought you were loyal to Camille."

Raphael did not answer, coming to a full stop before the door that Alec knew led to Magnus' chambers. His brows were knitted when he gestured for Alec to enter.

"If you destroy her, we are all free," he said.

Alec blinked. He had no intention of killing Camille. Unless she posed a danger to Magnus and the world.

He was just about to say so when he stepped into the room. The world fell away when he saw Magnus, lying so completely still on the bed that Alec's heart stopped for a moment.

"Magnus?" he called, voice trembling as he approached the bed.

Magnus' hands were a mess, covered with blood and a mass of thorns and roses. Rose petals were scattered all over the bed, the crimson specks like blood on the gold covers.

Alec staggered towards the bed, his heart in his throat when he pressed two fingers against Magnus' neck. His pulse jumped against his fingers and Alec sighed in relief.

Magnus' eyes were squeezed shut, his lips pulled into a grimace of torment. His hands were clenched into a fist around the roses, sending blood dripping down his wrists. The thorns had pierced his hands and Alec had no doubt that this was Camille's doing.

His blood boiled as he bent lower, laying a shaking hand over Magnus' arm.

The white of a trillium flower poked out from the inside of Magnus' robe and just the sight of it was enough to make Alec sick. Camille must have discovered the flowers.

He rested his forehead against Magnus', breaths coming in shaky pants. Magnus' brows furrowed even more, his fists clenching. Alec stroked long fingers through Magnus' hair, cupping his cheek tenderly. It was almost instinctual, the way he leaned down to seal their lips together.

Magnus stirred.


Magnus opened his eyes, sucking in a sharp intake of air when he was met with concerned hazel eyes. His fingers were still closed around the rose stems, the pain sinking into his nerves slowly.


The name felt strange on his lips, but familiar. Just seeing the smile that spread across Alec's face was enough to make his heart jump.

He unwound his fingers from around the roses, gasping when the crusted blood and thorns tugged at his skin. Alec's hands were warm when he reached out to help him, tossing the mangled bouquet onto the ground.


Strong arms wrapped around Magnus' body and Magnus sank into the embrace, tears pricking at his eyes. He inhaled, breathing in the scent of Alec, of snow and cinnamon.

"I thought I'd lost you for good," Alec murmured into his shoulder, squeezing tighter. Magnus pressed his mouth into Alec's shirt, his heart pounding away in his chest.

His mind was still fuzzy, long-buried memories slowly surfacing as Alec pulled away, cupping his cheek with a large hand.

"I forgot- I think I forgot-."

"I love you," Alec cut him off before he could finish, dark eyes glittering. It was so earnest, so sincere that Magnus' heart almost wanted to jump out of his chest. "And I'm sorry it took me so long."

"You're here now," Magnus managed, threading a hand into Alec's hair. He raised his head, catching Alec's lip in a kiss that seared into his mind, into his heart like a firebrand.

Alec kissed him back with a fervour that made his knees turn to jelly, fingers tangling into his hair, their breaths mingling.

"We need to get out of here," Magnus murmured when they pulled apart, both panting breathily. "Camille-."

The castle shook violently.

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