One More Time

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"You said you wouldn't push me," Magnus grumbled when Alec cornered him in the library a couple of weeks after the lake incident. He had stolen Alec's favourite spot in the alcove, curled up in the golden sun with a jug of ice cold lemonade and a stack of books.

Alec had found him an hour later, squishing him over to one side of the chaise. He was smiling as he settled onto his side of the chaise, the book of fairytales Magnus had gifted to him in his lap.

"You stole my spot," he retorted and Magnus huffed, muttering something under his breath about it being his castle. Alec was watching him, hazel eyes practically burning a hole in his skin as he turned a page in his book.

"Stop looking at me and read your book," Magnus muttered. Alec was too close, his skin tingling when the prince leant over him, breath brushing against the back of his neck. Alec shrugged, draping himself over him.

He had said he would not push Magnus, but this tension between them was getting ridiculous. He could hear Magnus' breath hitch when he moved closer until their thighs and shoulders were pressed together.

"Alexander-" Magnus made a strangled sound when Alec leaned even closer as if trying his boundaries. He jerked when he blew air playfully at his ear, nearly dropping his book.

"You feel something for me," Alec murmured into his ear and he could feel his heart begin to race. His palms felt sweaty as he clutched at his book like a lifeline, his pulse roaring in his ears. Alec was still looking at him. His large hand covered his gently and Magnus flinched.

He had not felt like this since Camille and Camille... His mind would not even go there. Alec was not Camille. He was kind and gentle, tender and loving, everything that Camille was not by the end.

"For almost a century, I've closed myself off to feeling anything for anyone. Man or woman," he started hesitantly and Alec moved closer, sliding an arm around his back. Magnus did not dare raise his eyes from his book as he continued, "you've unlocked something in me."

Alec remained silent for a beat before he raised a hand to touch Magnus' cheek.

"Are you going to act on it?" He whispered and Magnus turned just as he leant down. The look in his eyes was warm and hopeful as he thumbed over the corner of Magnus' lips.

Magnus shivered when he moved closer, tilting his head up to meet him halfway.

Their lips closed together like two halves of a whole and Magnus dropped his book, fingers reaching to cradle Alec's face as the prince kissed him senseless.

Magnus was breathless when Alec pulled away for air, his hand having migrated to Alec's hair instead. He moved forward, chasing his lips as the prince laughed before indulging him again, the soft brush of his tongue against Magnus' lips turning him to jelly.

He melted into him, revelling in the feeling of Alec's arms around him, warm and safe. Time seemed to come to a stop as they sat there in the little alcove, kissing for what felt like forever, wrapped up in each other.


"Wow, um," Alec mumbled against his lips, fingers curling into fists. Magnus smiled shyly and he dropped his head to lean his forehead against Magnus', their noses touching.

He inhaled the heavy scent of sandalwood that always seemed to cling to Magnus and smiled back, pulling away to drop a kiss against Magnus' nose.

Magnus cuddled up to him, arms wrapping around his abdomen in a hug.

"I should have done that a lot sooner," he mumbled as he tucked his head into the crook of Alec's neck. Alec smiled down at him, taking his hand. He entwined their fingers together and Magnus looked at him with such fondness in his eyes that his heart melted.

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