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Snow fell in sheets, blanketing the world in white as it blurred out the sky. The wind roared, a frightening parallel to their first winter together, when they fought back to back against shadow wolves that threatened to devour them.

But instead of wolves, this time it carried the promise of home.

As if the universe was playing a cruel joke on them, the fog around the forest lifted, and someone dear found their way to the castle.

Magnus was curled up in Alec's lap, in the alcove of the library with a book in his hands and Alec's body warming him when he felt a sense of dread coil through him, seemingly unannounced.

He had become ever more in tune with the magic surrounding his castle as more petals fell from the rose, and his birthday began creeping ever closer. Still, he tried to ignore it, hoping to pass it off as something minor.

The gates rattled violently beneath them and Alec shifted, eyes fluttering open. He glanced down at Magnus lying in his lap, smoothed a hand over his hair and was preparing to go back to dozing when the gates rattled again.

"Are we supposed to be able to hear the gates this far away?" He asked in surprise, Magnus stirring. He sat up, discarding his book. Amber eyes slid close and a curling wisp of magic told him that there was someone pounding at their door, the snow curling in his hair.

"There is a man at our door." He frowned and slipped off Alec's lap reluctantly, the other man mourning the loss of warmth. "You stay, I'll go have a look."

Alec nodded, accepting the kiss Magnus pressed to his lips. He curled back onto the couch, drawing the blanket back over him, content to doze a little more.

Magnus made his way downstairs with a frown on his face.

No one had found his castle ever since the princess Isabelle had left and Ragnor and Catarina would not be able to make it out in this weather, so it had to be a stranger at his door. He hoped for their sake that it would not take long as he was already sorely missing Alec's presence.

There were two heavy knocks on the heavy doors before they were pushed open, the figure of a man stumbling in.

"Alec? Alec!"

"Hello?" Magnus ventured, walking down the stairs slowly. The lamps in the Great Hall flared to life with every step he took and by the time Magnus had arrived at the base of the steps, he could see the man clearly.

He was about Alec's age, his blonde hair white with snow. He was handsome, Magnus supposed, with strange bicoloured eyes and a strong jaw. Those eyes were glaring at him with such intensity that Magnus felt a stir of unease.


He was not expecting the sword that sliced through the air, barely missing him as he leapt back, a cry of alarm ripping from his throat.

He fell against the bannister, a spike of pain shooting straight up his side. Eyes wide, he rose to his feet, magic gathering in his palms as the man advanced on him.

"Where is he? Where is Alec? What have you done to him?!" The man roared as he advanced, grief and fury colouring his features. He swung his sword and Magnus darted out of the way, his magic shooting from his fingertips.

"I- He's fine! Stop swinging at me!" He yelped when the man lunged again, his sword managing to slice through his shirt and his shoulder.

Blood seeped from the cut and into the fabric of his shirt, the man swinging once more. Magnus swore loudly when he tripped on the carpet and a hand seized him by the hair, yanking him back against a hard firm chest.

His breath caught when his assailant laid the flat of his sword against his throat, growling into his ear.

"Bring me to him."

Before Magnus could speak, Alec appeared at the top of the stairs, his eyes wide with shock.


The blonde man's head whipped up and the grief in his eyes vanished.

"Alec!" Magnus cursed under his breath when he was shoved roughly aside, Jace running to meet his brother in a hug.


"Why are you here?"

"Alec, you have to come home. It's Izzy. She's dying, Mom said she's dying. She never recovered when you didn't come home. You have to come home." At the mention of his sister, Alec's face paled and he shot Magnus a pained look.

Magnus felt his heart sink.

His birthday was only days away, and he was sure, so sure that Alec could break his spell.

"Go," he said, before Alec could protest, fingers curling into fists inside his pockets. "Your family needs you."

Jace glowered at him, bicoloured eyes dark with distaste. He was still gripping the hilt of his sword in one hand, though the blade was sheathed at his hip. Magnus ignored the insinuation that they had needed Alec even before Isabelle had fallen sick and snapped his fingers.

The other half of his pair of enchanted mirrors materialized midair and he pushed it into Alec's hand, folding his long fingers around the handle. Jace flinched at the display of magic and he backed away slightly. Alec's lips were pulled tight, his jaw set as he stared at it, thumbing over the ornate handle pensively.

"You need to go," Magnus murmured, grabbing his shoulder and pushing him towards the door. He snapped his fingers again and a heavy cloak appeared in his hand, which he draped over the prince. His heart was heavy as he pulled open the oak door, white flakes of snow dusting over the floor as he did so.

"Magnus..." His chest was tight with emotion as he turned to face him, hating the feeling of doubt that crawled into his heart as he cupped Alec's cheek. Alec was staring at him with those hazel eyes that he had fallen in love with ever since he saw them, so full of sorrow that Magnus' heart clenched.

"Just... Just come back to me, alright?" He whispered, the plea in his voice barely audible as the snow swirled around them, turning the world into a blur of white. Alec wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him closer as his other hand still holding the mirror rested behind Magnus' neck.

"I will, I promise." Magnus clutched at his cloak, wishing desperately he was selfish enough to beg Alec to stay. Alec's lips tasted of snow and desperation when he kissed him, the rest of the world seeming to slow to a stop for this moment. He wanted to bottle it and keep it close forever.

"When the shine of the mirror dulls, it will be too late," he whispered, the words for Alec's ears only as he pulled away, fingers curling into the prince's hair. He wanted him to stay, and never leave, but Alec would resent him for it and he could not have that.

Alec stared at him with his eyes wide. His lips parted and Magnus was sure he knew what he was talking about. It made pushing him away all the more painful when he was so close, so close to being free.

"I love you, Alexander," he said softly, and with a clatter of hooves, Jace appeared in the doorway, sitting astride his white horse. His face was a mask of concern as Alec withdrew his hand from Magnus', his heart beating strangely in his chest as he turned away, torn between his family and this.

"I..." he breathed and Magnus held up his hand. He brushed a kiss over the knuckles of Alec's hand and nudged him towards his brother firmly, barely managing to hide the devastation in his eyes.

"Just come back to me," he said above the howling wind and something in the prince's eyes flashed. Alec nodded, squeezing his hand gently before he was putting his toe in the stirrup, swinging into the saddle behind Jace.

Magnus watched them ride away, the white horse kicking up snow in its wake until they were out of sight. He could only hope and pray to gods that he refused to believe in that Alec would keep his promise.

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