The Crimson Gown

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"Do you remember him, Magnus?"

The dark-haired man that stood in the middle of the throne room seemed only vaguely familiar, brown eyes staring pleadingly in his direction.

Magnus shook his head tiredly, turning to leave.

"I don't know him, Camille," he pulled his jacket closer, "please stop playing your games."

He missed the queen's triumphant smile entirely and the young man's broken expression as he stepped out of the room, his mind focused only on returning to the comfort of his chambers.

"You truly did not know the boy," Raphael said, almost in awe when he followed him back to his chambers. He was like an annoying gnat that Magnus could not swat away.

"No, I did not. Was he important?" Magnus snapped, folding his arms over his chest. He walked over to the window, brushing aside the heavy drapes.

To his surprise, he saw the boy that Camille had brought in sitting on the cold, hard ground with the most forlorn expression on his face. And he was staring right at his window.

Magnus jerked and Raphael stepped forward.

"Is there a problem, milord?" His tone was concerned, strange for the valet.

Magnus felt a shiver across his skin and he stepped back, twitching the drapes closed again.

"No. Nothing at all."


When Magnus first stepped into the room, Alec was taken aback by just how frail he looked.

Even when he had been injured and sick, there had been a strength to Magnus that the sickness could not take away.

As he gazed upon him now, Alec did not see Magnus anymore. He saw a shell of the man he loved, so devoid of emotions and feelings and magic. All the things that had made Magnus Magnus were no longer there.

What had Camille done to him?

Anger boiled up inside of Alec as he was chased from the throne room, Camille's mocking smile etched in his brain.

"You meant nothing to him, then, if he forgot you so easily. Do not fool yourself, Prince Alexander. Magnus belongs here, with me. Like he should have so many years ago."

The words burned, like fire in his veins and made his love taste bitter on his tongue.

Was it really true?

Had Magnus truly forgotten him?

The North Wind had told him to challenge the Immortal Queen's claim. But what if Magnus did not want to be claimed by him?

Alec shook his head, gritting his teeth. Did he really have so little faith in Magnus? In their love? If he were, then he did not deserve Magnus, who had loved with everything he had, even when he had nothing to give.

He flopped down onto the icy ground outside the palace, staring up the window in the tower. His heart skipped a beat when the drapes twitched and for the briefest moment, he saw Magnus' face.

His lover's face was impassive, completely unrecognizable as the brilliant flame he once was but it was enough.

Alec stuck his hand into his pocket, drawing out the paintbrush.

Perhaps if he struck a bargain with the Immortal Queen, she might allow him in for a time. He could try to awaken Magnus' memories once more.

But what use would a Queen have for a magic paintbrush?

Alec stared at the stupid wooden thing, a wave of frustration threatening to overwhelm him.

Remember, Camille may be a conniving bitch. But she is still part human and susceptible to human temptations.

Jocelyn's words came back to him as he twirled the paintbrush between his fingers.

Human temptations.


Alec rose to his feet, hurrying to a corner of the castle where he would be hidden from the guards. When he was certain that he would not be seen, he pressed the tip of the paintbrush against the stone wall, thinking about one of Isabelle's dresses.

Even without any paint, red strokes began appearing on the wall, streaking down and across until a painting of a stunning red gown stood stark against the grey of the stone.

Alec stared, his heart in his mouth.

Slowly, he reached out, remembering Clary and her bowl of apples.

As if by magic, his fingers met silk and soon, he had a silk ballgown fit for a queen lying in his lap.

Quickly, Alec painted a golden chest, one big enough to fit the gown into it. When that was done, he tucked the paintbrush into his pocket and folded the gown into the chest.

The chest was heavy but he managed, hefting it to the main doors where the guards merely stared, bewildered.

"I wish to bargain," he panted, gesturing to the chest.

The guards vanished and Alec was left in the cold, panting, and waiting with bated breath for Camille's response.

"A bargain, you said?"

He did not like the glint in the Queen's eyes when he was let in again, the bitter cold of the castle suddenly made colder by her presence. Still, he held his head high and tried not to show how much the cold got to him.

"I have a dress. Finer than anything you own. I am willing to gift it to you."

"And?" Camille lifted an elegant eyebrow, leaning forward on her throne.

"I want a night with Magnus, in his bed chambers," Alec declared, "I will make him remember me."

Camille laughed as if the very idea amused her.

"And here I thought all princes were honourable."

The snark in her tone was clear and the implication crystal. Alec's cheeks warmed but he did not relent.

He was not about to defile Magnus. He only wished to talk.

"One night. For the dress," he said, allowing the guards to lift the heavy lid, pulling the gown from the chest.

Even he was impressed when the gown was held up in the light of the castle.

It was not bright red like Isabelle's but a darker, more mature colour for an older woman. It was the colour of blood, like the ruby that sat in Camille's crown and the jewels she wore at her throat.

"It is beautiful," Camille said, clearly impressed. Her eyes glittered as she rose from her throne, her heels clicking against the marble as she descended to admire the gown.

"Do we have a bargain?" Alec asked, a chill running down his spine when Camille's eyes snapped to him.

"Oh, we do, indeed," Camille purred. She turned to where a young man had appeared in the corner of the room, his hands folded reverently before him.

"It looks like Magnus will have a guest tonight, Raphael. Do leave the two of them alone."

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