Love Prevails

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He could not breathe. The air wheezed out of him like a leaky balloon as he dragged himself to his feet. Logically, he knew he should not be moving, lest he puncture a lung but Magnus. Magnus was hurt.

Alec grunted, dropping his bow. He wrapped a hand around his rib cage, sucking in a shaky breath as he dragged himself towards the chasm in the middle of the room.

The roof had been ripped clean off, bits of rubble still trickling down to them but at least the castle had stopped shaking. Camille's dragon body lay only a few feet away, rapidly shrinking back to a woman, no, a vampire and Alec heard movement, chattering coming from beneath them.

It was really too big a jump for someone with ribs as damaged as his but Alec was nothing if not determined.

He landed with one too many curse words and fiery pain raking through his body. His legs would not hold him for too long, his knees turning to jelly.

Magnus was breathing when he kneeled beside him, reaching out with a trembling hand to cup his cheek. His breaths were shallow, looking like they hurt with every heave of his chest. The lines across his cheek were dark and the sight was enough to make Alec's heart stop in his chest.


He did not come this far only to lose him again.

Gritting his teeth, Alec moved closer. Cradling Magnus' head, he lifted him as much as he could, pressing their foreheads together. Like that, he could feel Magnus' laboured breathing, puffing over his lips.

"Magnus?" he called softly. "Magnus, I'm here."

His hand shook when he thumbed over his cheek again, smearing poison and blood over his fingers.

"Magnus, please," he murmured, pressing their lips together. His breaths were coming out short too, sobs building in his chest when Magnus' breathing only grew more laboured. "Magnus, wake up."

He kissed him again, squeezing his eyes shut as tears began to drip down his face.

Blue light flared behind his eyelids, so searing that he had to open his eyes. Magnus was lit up blue in his arms, blue fire surging through his veins.

As he watched, mouth dropped open in awe, the blue magic climbed through Magnus' body, painting the ugly lines across his cheek in azure. They swallowed the poison, turning black to the faded pink of scars.

Magnus stirred in his arms and Alec could not contain himself any longer.



Memories flashed past his eyes. He saw his parents, felt the horrible cold pierce his heart the moment they were pronounced dead. He heard the storm roll in, thunder rumbling in the distance. He saw the servants leaving, heard the chains rattling as they turned the key in the lock.

But he also saw friends. Ragnor, Catarina and Alec.

Alexander most of all.

He saw his arrows piercing a red bullseye, the snow dusted in his dark hair as he cut down wolves to get to Magnus. He saw the pain, heard it in his voice as Alec stared out the window with a mug that smelled like cinnamon in his hands. He saw the white flower that Alec tucked behind his ear, felt his lips, his hands, his kisses searing through him.

Magnus, wake up.

It was hard to place the voice. It was his mother, his father who loved him despite the cat eyes, despite the curse he brought upon the land. It was Ragnor and Catarina, who chose kindness above all. It was Alexander, his Alexander who loved with everything that he had and had crossed the frozen Wastelands to be with him.

Magnus opened his eyes to see Alec staring down at him. His brows were creased in pain as he struggled to hold him.

"We really need to stop doing this," he managed weakly, the corners of his lips ticking up when Alec choked out a laugh followed quickly by a wince.

"Your ribs, Alexander," he said, pushing himself upright in alarm. "How did you-?"

"Jumped," Alec said, face twisting into a grimace.

Magnus set his hand against Alec's rib cage, chewing his lip when he felt the damage. His magic responded at once, rushing through his bloodstream and out his fingers in a river of cobalt sparks.

Alec sighed, the crease in his brow relaxing.

"Thank you," he murmured.

"No, thank you." Magnus flung his arms around Alec's neck, pulling him into a hug so tight that he felt his heart beating against his chest like a hummingbird. "For coming back. I thought-."

"No thoughts," Alec said firmly into his shoulder. He hugged him back and Magnus sagged into his hold. "I'm here. I am never leaving you again."

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