chapter 4

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Julia's PoV

6th Period had finally finished, and it was the most boring class every. Mrs. Winwood is so strict it's almost unbelievable, but you didn't have to go back to that class again.

You meet up with Laurie again in the lunchroom.

"Mac n Cheese for lunch... very very nutritional" you joke to Laurie

You guys talk about a new movie coming out when someone walks by

"I didn't know they made a table for only losers!"

You shrug it off cause it happens all the time, and that makes school barely better than your home. Your mid Mac n Cheese when you remember the man that had visited your father.

"Hey Laurie do you know anyone named Jose Menendez?"

"Yah i've heard about him super serious business man or something. Heard he has hot sons" she jokes "Erik and Lyle I think"

"Eric? that's a basic name haha" not believing her

"Erik with a K, so not basic." she rolls her eyes "And i've seen pictures of them playing tennis... trust me they're hot hot." you still don't believe her but you let her continue.

"If my sources are correct, Erik's 18 and Lyles 20... so about our age" you sigh

"Earth to Laurie, Earth to Laurie! Get your head out of the gutter! We're 17" you say shaking your head and still doubting the "hot brothers"

The bell rings and you and Laurie split up again. You head to your 7th Period class and end up of zoning out, before you know it, it's time to head home. You meet up with Laurie again outside the school and walk home together

"So what were you saying about that Menendsz guy?" you ask her still intrigued by some super serious business man that had shown up at your house

"Yah he has super hot sons" you shake your head and laugh, not caring about these so called "hot sons"

"I mean why is he a super serious business man" still giggling from what Laurie had said

"ohhh well apparently he's like dangerous and stuff like multiple business people around him have died really weird deaths and stuff" when she says that you stop laughing and fall silent

"Why do you ask?"

"Oh um no no reason... news article" you make up your mind  to say

You and Laurie go separate ways when you get to her house

"Your coming over tomorrow right?" she asks you

"Wouldn't miss it!" and you continue on you way home

Julia arrives home

You see your dad watching some sports program you couldn't care about and drinking beer, so you ignore him and go upstairs. You start on your homework, math then science then spanish, and then most dreaded language arts. "Of course Mrs.Winwood would assign the most homework"  you say shaking your head

That's when you hear a knock on the front door and your dad stumbles up to answer it. You go to the top of the staircase to eavesdrop and make sure to keep out of sight this time. Since your farther, you can barely hear snippets of their whispers, but you can make this out


This makes you peak around the railing. Standing there is a middle age man in a suit about 30 you'd guess. "Okay but what is it with men in suits coming to your house recently!?!?" you think to yourself.

You hear your name mentioned and your blood turns cold... wh-what? what could Mr. Menendez want with you? You remember the way he looked at you before you left and it gives you a bad gut feeling. You sit against your door contemplating "What in the actual hell is going on?" you ask yourself.

That when you father calls your name "Julia!"

You freeze

He calls your name again and you reluctantly come down the stairs. "H-hi?" you say weary

The man hands your dad and you tea cups and your dad tells you to enjoy

"We want to talk business with you" he says

Your confused but your happy. You take a sip of the tea and start to think. Did dad finally get a job again? Are things gonna go back to normal? Is he gonna love me again if it does? You hope it's all of the above, but your thoughts are paused when your head gets foggy

The room starts spinning and getting spotty

"Dad I cant see something's wrong" you start feeling light headed

"Shouldn't have been such an ungrateful little brat" you hear him say. Your shocked, confused, but that doesn't last.

The room goes black and you pass out...

//cliff hanger hehe sorry//

A/N: Hope you guys enjoy so far i'll try to update every other day unless you want me to more often. lmk what you think so far in the comments and i'll have some stuff for you guys to participate in soon like decisions and stuff! ALSO EW THIS IS ALL OVER THE PLACE SORRY

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