chapter 9

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Julia's PoV

You were lying calmly in bed when your retched alarm started beeping. You were this close to throwing in out a window when you remembered school f*ck. How long had you been in bed for? Had you missed it? To be honest you kinda wished you had, but alas your phone read

6:22 am

You groaned and punched your hand against the pillow beside you. Okay okay up and at em you thought forcing yourself to prepare for the day. Thankfully the night before you had showered and picked out an outfit, so you needed to do a minimum of things. You got out of bed and dealed with your teeth and hair, then put on your outfit. You had high waisted jeans that weren't cuffed at the bottom, a white shirt, and a dark green vintage nike shirt that covered the white shirt, except for the collar. You put on some Jordan 1 that had been purchased for you. You were pretty proud of your outfit, nothing you had or could afford back home. You then tied your hair back in a low ponytail still kinda unsure what to do with it, then left your room and headed to the kitchen where Erik was taking toast out of the toaster.

"Here catch!" Erik said tossing a piece of toast your way. You caught it of course, flexing the skills you had talked about the night before. "Impressive" he says nodding a head at you, which you returned. "The cars outside whenever your ready to go" You couldn't think of anything else you needed to do so you grabbed the bag you had been given and headed out to the car with Erik.

"Aux?" he said handing you a cord

"What does that mean" You hadn't been in many cars before, especially not nice ones like the Jeep Erik had.

"Oh you plug your phone in and choose music"

"okay" oh god what if he doesn't like the music I play? what if he has bad music taste?? oh no oh no oh no You plug in your phone very unconfident with your music taste, while Erik started driving. You were only about 15 minutes from school so there was only so many bad songs you could play. You turned on your go to band, the Artic Monkeys, your favorite song 505 (see yt video above :) They had songs anyone would like right? RIGHT!?! You were actually panicking, and for what?

"Hey!" Oh no "I love the Artic Monkeys!" oop you thought, an imaginary hand slapping over your mouth. Had you really stressed over music? Yes yes you had and that's okay.

"Cool! I really enjoy a lot of their songs" you queued up more. It felt amazing with the song playing and the wind blowing through your hair. You weren't much of a morning person but driving through this section of California, it was beautiful and you were even reconsidering being a morning person.

"It's beautiful isn't it" Erik said almost as if he had read your mind. You guys were driving on a road almost at the edge of a cliff, with water below. He was right, the water was incredibly blue, almost looking fake and was so clear.

"It's- it's amazing" you answered, almost speachless. "We didnt have anything close to this back at home" it was true, only having streets littered with trash and strangely mud, considering the fact that it barely ever rained. You saw a group of seagulls flying around and it brought you a sense of calm. They seemed incredibly happy which made you laugh, the fact that you were thinking about the birds that you would never see agains feelings. You almost forgot about the- well everything. It felt like it was only you and Erik and you enjoyed it. You looked over at Erik driving and you couldn't help but to get distracted by him. His tanned skin, his curly brown hair that looked perfect in the sun, and his smile that was extremely contagious. Erik turned to meet your gaze after realizing your were looking at him and you guys made eye contact, as the songs beat dropped. His eyes stared deep into yours, as if he was reading your thoughts and then seconds later, he turned back to the road as if nothing had happened.

Something had happened right? That wasn't just you, who had felt something? Feelings were, well complicated, and you didn't know how to deal with them. You thought back about the seagulls flying and were almost jealous, thinking theirs probably weren't as complex. Soon enough you were at school, and were very unprepared for how indescribably annoying it was, but at least Erik was there with you.

A/N: Hey sorry it was shorter than usual my teachers really said schoolwork 😛 but I hope it was okay. I'll try and update it often when I can but I might not be able to. Another thing, Julia will most likely end up with Erik but there also needs to be drama hehe and the story might get a little random but stick with me okay 😭 i'm figuring it out SORRY FOR THE WEIRD POV TOO IDK

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