Ground Control To Major Tom

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'Can you hear me, Major Tom?'

I could only see white beating down on me, my eyes were closed but it was bright.

'Can you hear me, Major Tom?'

I could just about feel every sense slowly rushing back to me, not sure if I'm conscious or not. I was lying down on a hard ground, that's for certain. An echoey Space Oddity was playing somewhere nearby to wherever I was.

'Can you hear me, Major Tom?'

But David Bowie's beautiful voice was morphing. It was getting deeper, more gravely and rough. It felt more... in my ear?

"Can you 'ear me, love?"

A pair of large hands shook my body.

"Oi, Love. Can-you-hear-me!?" This unknown man's voice repeated but louder and more aggressive. I opened my eyes up to a light grey sky in front of me.

"Thank god you're alrigh'. Lemme 'elp you up." He extended his arm and gave me his hand, which I took.

"Turn that bloody cassette down you plonker, it's been drivin' me up the walls!" He shouted out to a younger man sitting in the passenger seat. The car was quite old, I could tell just by looking at it.

"Cassette?" I asked, barely able to stand up straight without this stranger's support.

"Yeah it's great! They started putting 'em in cars so we can listen to music while drivin'. Ain't it genius?"

Cassette players were only just put in cars? That doesn't make any sense.

"What year is this?"

"Righ' we're taking you off to the hospital, you're not quite right." The man said, looking me up and down.

"Please, what day is it?" I asked him again, but pleading this time.

"It's New Years Eve, 1969."

He looked at me as if I had only just stepped on to the planet. Well, really I just had. I was standing in the middle of a road, if you could call it standing. I was more or less floating, my legs could barely keep straight and support my body.

I felt like an ant in this huge world all of a sudden. I stood in one spot but spun round slowly in a circle, observing the street and it's towering buildings.

"Oh my god." I had to catch my breath for a second.

I was on the street. The same street where I walked in from the record shop and got hit in 2019.

Although it was the same street, it looked dramatically different. There were different shops and old cars. Two record shops, a bookshop, and other odd bits.

I was on the verge of passing out, I could have easily fallen to the ground and hit my head on the pavement but a stranger had caught me.

"Woops, be careful."

I only caught a glimpse of his eyes. I started to fall backwards and he caught me from behind. So really I only saw these eyes from upside down. There was something about these eyes though, I recognised them. The voice too. His voice was soft and very much like a voice I had heard before.

Whoever this angel was, he disappeared around the corner before I got to get a better look at him, or even thank him for preventing me from hitting my head.

"I should really get you to the hospital to check your 'ead."


"She seems ok, just a little bump on the head. She has some bruising on her legs, right arm and back but that's about it. Other than that, she's ok to go home."

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