In My Madness I See Your Face

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29th of April, 1970

The day after I left David it was all over the local newspapers: 'Local Star David Bowie Runs From Marriage With Girl', 'David Bowie: Runaway Groom'.

The real icing on the cake was one particular paper, The Beckenham Star, a daily newspaper that gets delivered through my letter box every morning. It featured a large picture of David and I running, holding hands - luckily the press didn't catch a picture of my face - and above in big, bold writing 'Has David Bowie Got A Secret Girlfriend? We Think So'.

Pictures tell a thousand words and that photo is absolutely no exception. It turned out that someone had tipped the press about David and Angie's private ceremony at the registry office, so to catch an unexpected surprise like me and David was a real treat for those vultures.

The things these journalists write are almost sickening-

'Local musician David Bowie was scheduled to be married to Miss Angela Barnett yesterday morning, although things took quite an unexpected turn.

Miss Barnett eagerly waited outside the Bromley Register Office for her fiancé of three months alongside his mother, Mrs Margaret Jones. Our Photographers also waited outside with the pair to catch a picture of the happy moment where the couple first see each other, however they started to suspect that something was wrong after just minutes.

A ten minute wait began to panic Miss Barnett, and those accompanying her became increasingly worried that Mr Bowie would not show up.

Throughout the morning young fans of Bowie's mourned outside, but when they realised that there was a possibility he wasn't going to show up they seemed to be rather contented. Unfortunately for them, this didn't last long.

Bowie timidly walked down the road with the hand of a young woman in his and began to panic. The two had a quick conversation and ran away together, leaving Angela in hysterics. Our photographers did manage to catch some pictures of the scene (above) but as of now, the identity of this girl is unknown.

Has Mr. Bowie got a secret girlfriend hidden away in that house of his? Well, we at The Beckenham Star think so.'

- they have absolutely no integrity whatsoever. Then at the bottom of the article they had:

'If anyone has any information in regards to the girl's identity or the story, contact us here'- blah blah blah.

It was quiet for a short period, but it was difficult. I didn't try to get in contact with David at all, mostly out of fear that the press would be hanging about outside Haddon Hall to see where he went or if anyone went to visit. Of course they loved it the day after when Angie went to collect her things before leaving for America.

I sent no letters just in case someone tried to intercept them (yes I realise just how extreme it sounds) and I assume David knew to do the same. No phone calls either, it would have been fine to call him, but we never exchanged numbers.

But that short period is over now. Why? They have finally found me.


"I don't understand- how could they have found me?" The door to my apartment was left ajar and through the gap I could see drawers open. 

"I'm so sorry Christiane- Annie. I tried looking for you when I noticed the door."

The young man, who claimed to be my friend here when I first arrived, noticed someone had broken in while I was out.

"How, how did they know?" I shouted, slowly falling to floor.

"This." He said, passing me a newspaper.

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