Looking back

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Oh my, it has been an incredibly long time. I was 15 when I started drafting for this and 16 when I started posting. I'm now 18! Where on earth did the time go?

I would like to apologise for this story not actually going anywhere, and not sticking to my promise of continuing this story on. Life has changed significantly since I last wrote anything on here.

I'm in my last year of sixth form and hopefully going to uni after next summer. The 'boy' I liked, mentioned in the last note is now a man and my boyfriend. We have been going strong for over a year now. Which is mad to think about. Life goes incredibly quickly.

In all honesty, I don't think I will be continuing this story which makes me sad because I had so many ideas, but I simply ran out of time, got older and have so much to do now. I may continue it, but probably not for a long time? However, I kept a folder of notes so I can release what I had planned and wanted to happen, at some point, if wanted?

Overall, I can tell you that in the end, Annie and David did live happily ever after... (very cliche and un creative, but it's what I planned haha).

A massive thank you to all who read this story and lots of Love to all of you Kooks, it's been a long time. Keep listening to bowie, and take care of yourselves :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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