Letter To Annie

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David walked me home from the Speakeasy. In one hand he carried his guitar case and in the other he held my hand, swinging my arm every now and then. There was an awkward silence for almost the entire way back to my flat as neither of us knew what to say after he had kissed me. As we approached the building I lived in we slowed down. "This is it... my lady." He said with a posh funny accent, bowing down with his arm extended. "Do you want to come in? For a drink or something?" I gripped onto his hand, which already told him I didn't want him to go.

"Uh... no thank you. Sorry. I should really get home-" he lifted his hand up to check his watch. "It's nearly one, Angie will be wondering where I am. Thank you though, tonight was lovely." His hand cupped my face. I felt disappointed really, why does he care what Angie thinks? She treats him terribly. He doesn't need to go by what she wants all the time.

"When can I see you again?" I asked. All I wanted was to be in his company. "Not for a while I'm afraid, I'm um- going away for a short time." The smile on my face was quickly replaced with something that was close to a worried frown. I could think of only one thing and one answer to that. Cyprus. With Angie.

"Oh. Right." I tore my hand from his grip and awkwardly tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "Well, I hope you have a nice time in Cyprus with Angie. I should get in now, it's chilly. Goodbye." My arms wrapped around my cold body and I started to walk away from David and into the apartment building. "No, Annie you're mistaken." He ran up behind me and grabbed my hand. "I'm not going to Cyprus... with Angie . You've got the wrong end of the stick." He laughed and played with his hair.

"I'm going away to Scotland for a short while. I'm travelling by myself to meet an old friend of mine. I don't know if you've heard of him, Lindsay Kemp, but I'm working on a television show up there." He stroked my hair. "So you're not going to Cyprus?"

His face lit up, a huge smile grew on his face and he shook his head lightly. "No." Both of his hands cupped around my face. My expression mirrored his and I leapt onto him, pulling him into a hug. "I'll miss you." He whispered, kissing my cheek. His warm breath tickled my neck. "I'll miss you too." He picked up his guitar. "This isn't goodbye you know, it's just au revoir..."

And with that, he did a silly little salute and walked off into the night. Guitar in one hand, and nothing in the other...


It has been quite a few weeks since I last saw David. He's busy and doing a lot of work. When he was in Scotland he sent me a letter to let me know how things were going:

" Annie - my prettiest star,

How are you? It has been a week (as of writing this) since I last saw you. I miss you terribly. You should send me a picture of yourself so I don't forget what you look like. I've been awfully busy with Lindsay, filming this television programme. So far it has gone rather well. I've never really told you this before, but I've always wanted to be an actor or write a musical. This is my chance!

Unfortunately when I get back to London I won't be able to see you. There's lots of things I need to do, some very exciting things! Hang on in there my love, it won't be too long until we can see each other again. Until then, Listen out on the radio for me. The beeb has asked me to feature on a radio programme. Fifth of February I'll be on.

Love David Jones X "

I wrote him back. Unfortunately I didn't have a picture to send him. In the meantime, I found myself a job at a nearby publishing place to support myself. It was strange because it seemed as though I didn't have a land lord. I never have to pay rent or bills. But anyway, my job was to do all sorts. Art, newspapers, literature, photography. I listened to him on the radio. He performed some of his slightly older songs and some slightly new. It took me by surprise when he went to do his final song of the night. "This final song tonight is The Prettiest Star, for my prettiest star, Annie." He said. I had to force myself to not cry. I was listening in from work as my employer had me working late that night. He gave me the radio as I had asked him for it. Apart from when I was working, I spent the whole day in my flat. I can't help but wonder who that young man, who bursted in to the flat when I first arrived here was. He said he was my friend, I must have some sort of life here made up for me, surely? Either way, I recognised him. Something about that face of his was familiar, but I cannot quite get to the bottom of it. Well, despite him living in the building I haven't seen him since, so it's nothing to worry about...

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