Christmas 1970

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Note: of course I'm very aware that we're far from Christmas, but in all of my notes and plans, the contents of this chapter put together with Christmas made sense. I don't know how to explain it, you'll have to read to find out ;) So without giving anything away... enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading.


25th of December, 1970.

"Happy Christmas!" David shouted from the top of the staircase, a wide smile grew across his face.

"Yeah, happy Crimbo mate." Mick's words were all slurred. Last night we had a small Christmas party. Despite it being at Haddon Hall, Mick seemed unable to walk up a flight of stairs to his room, so instead he slept on the sofa. Only a few people who didn't live with us came round.

Marc Bolan for example. Him and David eventually reconciled. Their relationship is so 'up and down'. One minute they're as thick as thieves, then the next they loathe each other, with David crying to me about how much he hates Marc but also loves him. David's just jealous, that's all.

"Hard night?" I asked from the other side of the room, laughing at the absolute state of Mick. In return he laughed, then throwing a cushion at me.

"Now, now children, settle down. I know you're excited because it's Christmas morning." David elegantly walked over to the Christmas tree. "But no being silly, or you won't get your presents." He held up a neatly wrapped box and shook it, then placing it back under the tree. Mick and I acted like toddlers for the moment, huffed and crossed our arms.

"Alright, alright." Woody and Mick crawled over to the tree, rummaging through to look for their presents. David slapped their hands, forcing them to drop the gifts. "No presents until breakfast. I'm cooking." They rolled their eyes.

In the kitchen, the five of us sat around the table as David served us plates of fried egg, toast, sausages and baked beans. He'd never cooked for all of us like this before. Usually it's more of a, if you want something then get it yourself, type thing in this house. But as it's a special occasion, he thought it'd be nice.

Marc played with the egg on his plate for a brief moment. He stayed round after the party and David gave him some night wear to borrow.

As we finished eating, the boys began to break off into conversation. David rested his head on my shoulder and whispered into my ear. "It's our first Christmas together." He smiled. "And... it's been almost a year since we met."

One year... oh how things have changed. I can still remember that night when I first met David, it feels as though it had only happened yesterday. Yet the life I lived back in 2019 seems so distant and easily forgettable.

"Hey, I think I should get home now, June will be wondering where I am." Marc got up from the table, taking his empty plate and cutlery to the sink. "Thank you for breakfast David, and a happy Christmas to you all." As he began to leave room, David stopped him.

"Uh... Marc? You're still wearing my pyjamas." David laughed under his breath. Marc patted himself then looked down. "Oh. Thank you. I'll just get changed then."

As he left the room, obviously hung over, all of us burst out laughing. "How did he even manage to get into those, he was absolutely hammered last night." Woody laughed, trying to stop himself from crying.

"God- I don't even know where he slept last night. I woke up in the spare room and came down here to find Mick, halfway on the sofa." I wiped away my tears of laughter.

"Oh, he slept in my- our bed last night." David replied as he shovelled a mouthful of beans into his mouth.

"Right." I played around with the remaining baked beans on my plate with a fork.

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