The Wild Eyed Boy

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Hey everyone, I just wanted to start off with an apology! I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever. I went back I to school for my final year and everything's been a bit stressful so I haven't been able to get round to writing as much. Hopefully I'll be a bit quicker in the future. I can't guarantee this won't happen again, so it's likely I'll only be able to update every other Sunday, but I really want to go on and complete this story! (I haven't had the time to
go in and edit this, but I'll get round to it eventually, i just really wanted to get this posted) I hope you enjoy this chapter! Also happy Easter to those of you who celebrate! :)

20th of March, 1970

I woke up the next morning, soft white sheets twisted around my body. Cool air gently grazed across my exposed back. My eyes could barely open as the red of my eyelids strained the sun. I looked around and squinted as the light of the morning met my eyes. The dark curtains that were closed last night were drawn back and the window was open. Outside the sun was shining, the sky was a pale blue and the birds sang their beautiful melodies. Everything was tranquil and the spring morning was beautiful and full, but it seemed as though something was missing. I looked over my shoulder to see the other side of the wide bed empty. The sheets were screwed up and the pillow still held the shape of his head. I have never shared a bed with David before (or anyone for that matter), but I can't help but feel cold without his presence.

I shot up from my position and sat up in the bed. I looked over to the clock on the bedside cabinet: 9:25 am. He must have got up early. In the distance I could hear voices. Not voices, just David's. It was quiet and muffled. I couldn't find my clothes so I wrapped myself up in the bed sheets and wandered out of his room and followed the sound of his voice. I made sure to walk lightly.

In the same side room I saw him and Angie in a few moths back, David was sat on the floor with a rotary phone in his lap. His back was to me and the door was only slightly open so he didn't realise I was there.

"Of course I care. Why wouldn't- oh that's charming that is. Look, stop shouting at me I can't understand you." For the most part, his tone was sarcastic. But I still couldn't figure out who he was talking to. It could be Ken Pitt as he's been having some issues with him and management recently. Or Marc... the last time either of us saw him was at the studio on David's Birthday and he left rather abruptly without even saying goodbye.

"No, I'm not shouting, you are. What? Oh god. I forgot, I forgot about today completely- I was in bed!"

"I was in bed, did a few things and then you called, again. Look I haven't seen you in over a month and you just shouted at me the whole time." He sat back clutching the phone tighter in one hand, and the other hand gripped onto his neck.

"You're actually back in England? Angie, I didn't think it was still going ahead." Angie? What is She  doing, calling him. Oh right, she is engaged to him after all.

"We're booked for eleven- Couldn't you have told me this earlier? - fine, I'll see you later."

David slammed the phone down into the cradle and collapsed into the wall. He rubbed his eyes and just sat in silence for a minute or so, probably to try and gather any thoughts he had together. He looked so weak and and defeated, I wanted to go and sit down beside him and put a supportive arm around him, but I can't let him know I was 'spying' again. This is his business, with Angie, whatever it might be. Still, I'm disappointed and feel almost hurt. I put all my love into him, and all of a sudden in one morning it feels like nothing - like it meant nothing.

It's a difficult situation. He's engaged to Angie and I'm not - oh my goodness. Did we have an affair? No, but in some ways we did. They're not committed, Angie even said it herself, they do this sort of thing all of the time, don't they? That's just another thing that makes last night feel like nothing. I'm not the first one to be involved with David, and more than likely not the last. I don't want to be just another one of David Bowie's 'flings'.

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