The Prettiest Star

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hey, sorry I'm doing an author's note before the chapter begins but I just wanted to say a thank you, I have reads! I hope you enjoy this chapter, it'll be a long one (4000 words!) but I really enjoyed making this one, I laughed a little when I wrote this.


I was alone again, naturally. But despite this I knew I was going to see David again. I didn't know when, but I knew I would. It was just a matter of figuring out how since Angie would always be in the way. Either way, as far as birthdays went, this was certainly the best one because I spent the first half of the day with none other than David Bowie. Not only that, he kissed me on the cheek, twice! And he tried to woo me, although it did go a little bit topsy-turvy for him when he got his french wrong. But still... he is engaged to Angie, which would make things all a bit more difficult.

The clock chimed eight, the sun had already set four hours ago and the stars shone brightly in the sky. With nothing to do I opened the lid of my turntable and played some albums. I did get a knock on the door from an angry neighbour who lived upstairs, asking me to turn the volume down as they were trying to relax, so I did as I was told, it was the nicest thing to do after all.

As time went on I stopped playing music, much to the delight of my neighbours. I switched it out for an empty notebook I found on a shelf and started to write. I wrote away as I thought back on my night and day with David. Everything from when I bumped into him, him kissing me on the cheek, to meeting Angie. Which didn't really go well.

I thought that if I'm going to be here for quite a while, god knows how long, I would make note of everything that happens so I can always remember it.

It got later into the night so I settled down into bed for the first time in 'the past'. Well, I call it a bed, it's really just a mattress that's bigger than a single but smaller than your average double on the floor with sheets. Still, I guess two people could sleep in it. The January night was cold and I was shivering under the sheets and blankets that were available. For a moment I was drifting off to sleep, but a tap-tapping at a window kept me from being able to. There was no door between my bedroom and the main part of the flat where the living room and kitchen was, so I could hear everything going on out there.

I stood in the middle of the room to see if I could hear the tapping, or if it was really just my imagination. But it wasn't. Yet again I heard a tapping (this time heavier) at the window where I would usually gaze out at the view in the morning. Curious, I made my way towards the window. But luckily I wasn't quite there yet. Before I could look out the window to find the source of this interruption, a stone the size of a child's fist smashed through the window pane, leaving shattered glass across the floor.

A voice outside began to curse. I ran to the window after putting some shoes on, so I wouldn't cut my feet, and looked out under the nearest street light.


Under that streetlight, with a guitar by his feet, stood David Bowie. His face had lost all its colour and he was certainly panicking a little. Okay, much more than a little. "I am so sorry! I will pay for that!" From three storeys down he shouted up at me, his hand pointed at the window with a large, imperfect circular hole missing from the pane. I opened the window to talk to him properly. "What are you doing? It's absolutely freezing, and not to mention that it is past eleven!" I was expecting to see David again soon, but not at this time of night, and him getting my attention by smashing a window. I noticed, after almost a minute, that I was wearing night wear and quickly tried to cover myself up.

"I tried to call you through the buzzer, but it didn't work- anyway, I didn't want you to be alone on your birthday!" He shouted up from below.

"So you decide this now at half past eleven at night?" I wasn't angry at him, I wasn't even annoyed. I couldn't be! I was mostly confused and worried that the neighbours would be annoyed, they weren't exactly the friendliest bunch. "I know it's odd, and very late at night. But that's because I truly wanted to give you something for your birthday. Not just some crappy lighter. So, I worked on this, just for you." He stepped back and picked up his guitar, then waved his arm as if he was calling someone over. And someone else did appear. A figure ran over, stumbling a little as they carried over what looked like an amplifier and an electric guitar.

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