2: Defence Against the Dark Arts

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You're walking to your next class ,Defense Against the Dark Arts, (D.A.D.A). Blaise on your left side and Draco on your right side.

Draco was dropping you off to class and Blaise accompanied the two of you. "You know, I always hated professor Lupins class. He's always hitting us with spells and stuff. Does he not know that they hurt!" You giggled at Blaise's comment. "Well that's how you're supposed to learn Blaise, he hits you with a spells and you block it." You said laughing a bit.

"He doesn't give us time to prepare for the hit!" Blaise whined. "Well that's the point. There is no need to prepare for the hit, you just learn to block it quick. It's called fast reflexes." You said trying not to laugh at Blaise's complaint. "Don't try explaining to him. He's to stupid to understand." Draco said smirking at Blaise. You laughed at Draco's comment. "Hey I'm not stupid. For your information I have an A in potions class and a E in Defense Against the Dark Arts class." Blaise exclaimed. "More like a D in D.A.D.A." Malfoy snarled. "What how do you kno-" You cut Blaise off.

"Okay boys! Before we kill each other I have to get going." You guys were in front of your class. You stood in front of Draco and looked him in the eyes. "I'll get going Draco." You smiled. Draco wrapped his right hand around your waist pulling you close to him making your faces inches away.

You had to admit, he still made you get butterflies in your stomach since the day he asked you to be his girlfriend. Which happened to be 4 years ago when he asked you to be his.

"You know...you can skip class and we could maybe...I don't know...go to my dorm and hang." Draco whispered in your ear with an airy breath causing you to get shivers down your spine. It wouldn't be the first time you skipped class for Draco to hang.

So you decided to mess with him. "In your dreams Malfoy." You told him and smirked. Draco looked at you in amusement. "Oh really?" He said amused. "Mhm." You hummed seductively in Draco's ear. Draco pressed your body more up against him. You could feel the sexual tension rising between the two of you. Time seemed to go by really slow although 30 seconds had probably passed by. "Hmm, mind repeating that again sweetheart?" Draco loved the sexual tension that was going on.

You placed your index finger underneath his chin and smirked. "I've got to go lover." In that moment you passionately kiss him. Draco didn't waste a second and imediently kissed back. You placed both of your hands in his hair stroking it and slightly messing it up while both of Draco's hands cupped both of your cheeks deepening the kiss.

Time felt as if it slowed down even more. The taste of his lips made you want him even more then you already did. It made you feel as if you were going to explode with butterflies. The moment was just so- "Uh hello! Did you guys forget! I'm still here, and get a room! It's so disgusting watching the two of you eat each others faces off!" Blaise said with a disgusted face. You and Draco separated. "No one told you to watch." Draco said still looking at you with his lust filled eyes. "Well it's hard to not watch. You guys are in front of me! Even if I looked away all I could hear were lips smacking together. Ugh!" Blaise spat and shivered with disgust.

You bit your bottom lip and continued to look at Draco. "I'll see you after class love" Draco said winking and smirked at you. "Until then." You told him and smiled walking into your class. Draco watched you walk away and enter class then left to go to his.

Jealous < D.M One-shot حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن