3: Episkey & Draco

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Everyone formed a long single line and watched as students got hit with with spells professor Lupin was throwing out. Some looked painful getting hit and others didn't. Many students kept falling to the hard floor and some hit professor Lupin back with spells.

"This looks like it's going to hurt." Cedric told you. He was standing in front of you also waiting his turn. "It does doesn't it." You said and Cedric scratched the back of his head. "Mr. Diggory, you're next." Professor looked at him getting ready for the spell. Cedric looked at you and slightly smiled. Nervousy filled his face.

Cedric took a deep breath calming himself down.

"Rictusempra!" Professor shouted. The spell hit Cedric in his side causing him to fall backwards on his back and groan. He propped his self up with his two elbows and looked at you.

Professor Lupin looked at Cedric. "Come on get up, if this were a real duel you'd be dead by now!" Cedric looked at the professor. "O-ow." Cedric said as he got up on his feet.

Lupin came closer to Cedric about to casted his spell. "Rectu-" Cedric cut him off. "Impedimenta!" Diggory shouted loudly as Lupin was walking close to him. He fell back due to the spell Cedric casted.

Professors eyes got big as he fell down. "How's that for dead ay?" Cedric said "Ouch, very good Mr. Diggory. Next!" Cedric then sat in his seat.

Now it was your turn

"Alright Ms. Doe, let's see what you've got." Lupin smirked knowing you were good when it came to spells.

You stepped in front of him ready to take action but before you could, he hit you first. "Ventus!!" You felt the spell hit you. A strong gust of wind hit your chest making you hit the wall behind you. It felt like it knocked the wind out of you. Your back hit the wall hard making you wince in pain.

You shut your eyes tightly due to the pain in your back from when you hit the solid brick wall. "A-argh." You whined. "Y/n!" Cedric yelled and looked at you worried about to get up from his seat to check on you.

"I'm fine." You gave lupin a glare and got up wincing in pain again. You stood in front of him. "Everte Statum!!!" You yelled. The professor flew back several feet away from you puzzled and filled with pain. Although he didn't show it, it was slightly visible in his face.

Every student just stood there shocked and filled with amusement.

Professor got up shouting the same spell at you "Protego!" You shouted quickly before the spell could reach you. It was an invisible shield that protected you from his spell. The spell hit the shield deflecting it and not hitting you.

"Well...what a show you put on, many of my students didn't think to use a shield although I don't think they knew it existed as you are the first to use it. Very interesting Ms. Doe very interesting. Next please." Lupin said surprised. You sat down beside Cedric.

You had learned a lot of spells from Hermione from when she helps you with homework. You didn't know you listened to her up until now. You thought about how Blaise was right on how professor Lupin didn't give you guys enough time to fire back. For the first time Blaise was right about something. You chuckled at the thought.

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