Detention #9

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   I watch as everyone leaves the class, while me and Draco stay seated. I look over at him and he looks right back. I didn't really feel angry about him irritating me on the train anymore, because now I get to spend time with him without having to lie to the trio about where I was. We stare for a little longer, when Snape starts speaking. 

    "Your detention today is to deliver these packages to Hagrid's hut." He referred to two packages on his desk, on small, and the other slightly bigger. 

    We both stand up and walk to the desk. Snape picks up the smaller one and placed it in my arms. It's a lot heavier then he made it look, but I think I'll manage. He gave the other package to Draco and we both left the class. We had to go all the way to the other side of the castle, and across the lawns. This is about an hours walk. 

    "This is heavier than I thought it was." I say to Draco. He pretends he's not struggling with his, though I can see the sweat building up on his face. 

    "Do you need a break?" He asks me. 

    "Do you?" I say to him, with a teasing smirk on my face. 

    "No. What are you talking about?"

    "Oh yeah, totally." I say in a joking manner.

    "You sure? You sure about that?" He drops the box on the ground and starts chasing me. I drop mine too and run away. We are in an empty hallway, so I'm not worried about getting caught. I run for a few seconds before he catches up and wraps his arms around my waist from behind. He pulls me to the ground and crawls on top of me. He starts tickling my stomach and arms. I can't stop laughing as I roll around on the floor. 

    "No Draco stop!" I say in between laughs. He does it for a few more seconds before stopping and laying on the floor next to me, exhausted and out of breath. This is the most fun I've had since I've been here.

     After laying there for a minute, I crawl on top of him and let our lips collide. He puts one of his hands on my neck and the other on my back, holding me to him. His lips are soft and feel nice on mine. After a minute of that, I lift my head and stare into his eyes. They stare right back. 

    "We should get back to work." I say, and start standing up. He grabs my waist again and pulls me down onto him again. 

    "I think that can wait a bit." He says with a smirk, then slams his lips against mine again. He sits up, and I'm sitting on his lap, my legs wrapped around his back. The kissing doesn't stop. He just pulls me closer. His arm is around my back, his other hand in my hair. My hands are on his head. I run my fingers through his soft, blonde hair. The kiss goes on for a few seconds longer, when I pull away. 

    "No, really Draco. We need to get back to work." He takes his hand out of my hair and puts them both around my back. 

    "Aww, no fun." He pouts, releasing me. I stand up, and walk the few steps to my box. I peek inside to make sure nothings broken, but it was just a bunch of sacks of seeds. I close the box again and turn around. Draco already has his box and was walking towards me. We continue the walk, not talking, just enjoying each other's presence. 

    After about forty minutes, we get to Hagrid's hut. It's a huge, round, stone building. I set down my box and knock on the giant, wooden door. I hear barking inside, it's Hagrid's dog, Fang. 

    "Eh be quiet Fang." Hagrid says to his dog before answering the door. "Well hello there Elizabeth! Haven't seen you yet this year." Hagrid says to me. The trio and I usually visit Hagrid a lot over the school year, but we haven't had a chance yet this year. 

     "Hey Hagrid! Nice to see you too!" I say to Hagrid, flashing a smile. "Say hello." I say to Draco, nudging his arm. 

    "Hey Hagrid." Draco says flatly, forcing a smile. He doesn't like Hagrid, or really anybody. Hagrid just nods at him before seeing the boxes in our arms. 

    "Oh let me get those for you! Must be my pumpkin seeds!" Hagrid says to use, taking one in each hand. "Well, I have to go plant these," he nods to the boxes, "but I'll see you soon Elizabeth! Bring the trio!" Hagrid says to me with a smile. 

    "Of course! Bye Hagrid!" I say to him, waving as I turn around. 

    "I don't understand how you're so nice to everybody." Draco says to me with a smile. 

    "Well, unlike some people," I elbow him, "I'm nice to people until they give me a reason not to be." I say, hoping maybe he'll take after me. I doubt it. He just shrugs. "Wanna go for a walk? I wanna talk about something." I ask Draco, and he looks worried. "It's nothing bad! I promise." I say, feeling bad about scaring him. 

    "Ok sure." He says, still looking worried. I reach out and put my hand in his, and we start walking towards the lake. 

    "What do you want to talk about?" He asks me, his hand getting a little damp with sweat. I find it cute that he's so nervous. We'd only started officially 'dating' this morning, but I'd known him so long that I felt comfortable with him. 

    "How am I gonna tell them?" I ask, nervously. I don't need to say their names, he already knows I'm talking about the trio. "I mean, they hate you, and you're not too fond of them." I squeeze his hand out of nerves. "What if they hate me after?" That was a question I needed to know the answer to. 

    "Hey, Elizabeth. Look at me." I didn't, so he stopped and lifted my chin up with his thumb. "They are your best friends. You're family to them. They will never hate you. I promise." That made me smile a bit, but I didn't fully believe him. He seemed to notice that. "They need you. I promise on my life." This made me feel a lot better. 

     "Thanks." He pulls me into a hug, and feel tears come to my eyes. I was going to cry, and I really didn't want to do it in front of him. 

    "Hey, hey, it's okay. You can cry." He must have heard my sniffling. I just let it all out. He's rubbing my back, and letting me cry into his chest. I don't even know what I'm crying about. So much has happened in the last few days, and I need a break. I must have been crying for at least 20 minutes, when I pull away and wipe my tears. 

    "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened." I say to him, feeling a little embarrassed. 

    "Don't apologize. I understand." I look up into his face. His pale skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, they're all so soothing to me. It's probably time to go back to the school, I'm sure dinner's started. 

     "Should we go?" I ask, kind of hoping he'll say no, but knowing we need too. 

    "As much as I want to stand here with you all day, yeah, we should go." And with that we head back into the school.

Forbidden Love; Draco Malfoy FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora