The Truth Comes Out #12

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    He hands me my books when we get to the school, and we head our separate ways. I go up the the common room and put my books away, before heading down to dinner. I see the trio sitting together, but not talking. I walk up to them and sit down, and the questions come flooding in. 

    They all ask, "Where were you?", "Are you okay?", and "Why weren't you at classes?" at the same time. I don't know if I have to lie to them or not. 

    "I was walking to herbology and was late. When I got outside I started running to get there faster, and tripped on a root. I broke my foot and had to be in the hospital wing all day." That wasn't a complete lie, I guess. Gosh, I feel so guilty all the time! I love being with Draco, but I can't handle lying to them all the time. I'm going to have to tell them soon. 

    "Oh no! Are you better now?" Hermione asks. 

    "Yeah. No pain at all 'Mione." I move my foot around to show her. 

   "Good." I smile at her and she smiles back. 

    "Are you gonna eat anything?" Ron asks. Of course it's Ron asking. 

    "Yeah, I should do that." I laugh a bit, and pile food on my plate. 

    When we finish, I walk through the halls with the trio, and Draco passes by. I smile at him a bit, trying not to let anyone see, and he smiles back. We turn the next corner, and Harry pulls me to a stop, so we're out of view of Hermione and Ron. 

    "Did you just smile at Malfoy?!" Harry asks in surprise and curiosity. 

    "Yes," I sigh, "Harry, I need to talk to you about something, but you need to promise you won't tell anyone." I look at him. He has the same face Draco did when we went for our walk. This has to come out. I need to tell someone. 

    "Yeah, I promise. What is it?" Harry asks with concern. 

    "It's about me and Draco. We're dating." That felt good. 

    Harry looks at me, and I see a flash of anger on his face. Before he can say anything, I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly. 

    "I'm sorry." I say to him. I feel kind of hurt when he doesn't return the hug. I think he's still in shock, but I really don't want him to be mad at me. 

    "What?! Malfoy!?" Is all he can get out. Tears are falling down my face now. 

    "Harry, please." I say through sobs. Just when I thought he was gonna storm off, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back. 

    "It's okay, please don't cry." He says to me, clearly upset that I'm balling. 

    I release him from my arms and wipe my tears away. I look at his face, trying to read what he's thinking. I can't tell, but there's definitely not hate there, and that makes me smile. 

    "We can talk about this more later, okay?" He asks, not as upset anymore. 

    "Okay. I love you, Harry." I say to him, and pull him into another hug. 

    "I love you too, doofus." He says to me with a little bit of a laugh. I hit him in the arm, but laugh too. 

    "Come on, let's go." He says to me, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the dorms. It felt good to get that off of my chest, but it felt even better that Harry doesn't hate me. I can't loose him, I can't loose any of them. 

      We catch up to Hermione and Ron, who are just at the Fat Lady portrait. 

    "Where were you guys?" Hermione asks, but doesn't look worried. That's a first. 

    "I just wanted to talk to her." Harry says calmly. I knew he would keep his promise. 

    "You guys are good?" Ron asks, and we both nod. 

    "Wanna just hang out tonight? It's Friday." I ask them, and they all nod in agreement. 

    "Heck yeah!" Harry yells, and we all laugh at him. We enter the common room, and sit on one of the couches together. It's a small couch, so we're basically all on top of each other, but no one minds. 

    "How was your guy's first week of school? Because this has been the best year ever for me." Hermione asks. 

    This has been the best year ever. I met a guy who makes me happy, I have all of my closest friends with me, and potions isn't as bad anymore. 

    "Bloody amazing." Ron says with a smile. 

     "Absolutely brilliant." Harry says, then looks at me for my answer. 

    "Better than ever." I answer truthfully, and we all smile at each other. We just talk about stuff like that until we were all tired, but no one really felt like going to the dorms, so we just had a sleepover in the common room. These are the best friends I could ask for, and Harry being so supportive about the truth made me feel a lot better about telling the others. 

This might just work out.

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