I'm Sorry #5

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To the 3 people who read my story, including my two sisters, I think you're really gonna like this part! I hope you've been enjoying he story so far and don't think I absolutely suck at writing. It would be my dream for someone to read my book and enjoy it. So I just want to say thank you. You make me so happy.
-Author (my names Char if you care to know me 🙃)      
P.S. I didn't read over this part before publishing so I hope it's fine!



       I finish writing in an awkward silence, and thankfully, Snape gets back. The second he walks through the door, I pick up my parchment and shove it into his hands on my way out the door. How am I gonna do this tomorrow too? I walk to the common room and meet the trio. 

    "How was detention?" Harry asks, and I don't feel like saying what happened. 

    "It was annoying." I guess that part was true. "Hey guys, I'm gonna go to the library and read. I just wanted to pick up my book." I walk to my dorm and find my book on my nightstand. 

    I come back out the common room and walk to the library. Great. Draco's in here. I want to turn around and leave, but then it would be obvious that I'm avoiding him. Instead, I walk past him with my shoulders back and not looking at him. I walk to one of the tables at the back, with him just out of my sight. I open my book and try to read, but I can't focus. I can feel his eyes on me. I pretend to read for another few minutes before he walks over to me. 

    "I know you're not reading." He says to me with an eyebrow raised. 

    "Yes I am, Malfoy. Stop distracting me." He looks at me and gives a cocky smirk. 

    "Am I that distracting?" He asks, as he continues smirking. 

    "You wish." I say, and dumbly laugh. Now he's gonna think he's funny, and I don't know if I can deal with anymore arrogance. "What do you want?" I would usually just want him to leave, but right now, I was weirdly enjoying his company. 

    "Can I talk to you?" Umm, this is weird. 

    "I guess, but let's go somewhere else." I say, eyeing the librarian, who was giving us dirty looks. 


       He stands up and I follow him until we're outside. We walk a bit until we're in the forest by the lake. He then stops and sits on a bench by the dock. 

     "Look, I just wanted to apologize about what happened today." He said sheepishly. His face turned a slight shade of pink. 

     "I'm sorry too, is your cheek ok?" There was a little bit of a red mark. He laughs a bit. 

     "Yeah, I deserved it." He says, laughing. I laugh too. 

     "No really, I'm sorry." He says. He actually looks sincere. Maybe he has been all this time. 

     "It's okay." I look at him. I've never noticed his blueish gray eyes. I stare for a second before realizing, then look away. I decide to look out at the lake instead. I turn my head slightly and see him staring at me. I look back to the lake. 

    After looking for a minute, it starts pouring. Draco grabs my hand and pulls me farther into the forest. Why aren't we going back to the school? We run into the forest for a few minutes, and he stops at a tree. 

    "What are you doing?" I ask him, I was getting cold. He ignores me, and leans down to the bottom of the tree. He brushes some leaves away and I see a round door on the ground. I was almost soaked to the bone now. 

     He lifts up the door, then pulls out his wand. "Lumos." He says, and his wand lights up. 

     In the opening, there's a ladder going down a bit, and a dirt floor. I can't see any farther. He grabs my hand again and leads me down. I climb down the ladder, and there's a small room. 

    "What is this place?" I ask him curiously. 

    "My mom found it when she went to Hogwarts, I thought we could use it to keep us dry." He says, almost looking embarrassed. I look around. There's a desk on one wall, a couch on the other, and a bed in the centre. I go and sit on the bed. Draco follows and sits down next to me. I'm shivering, a lot. Draco takes off his jacket and puts it over my shoulders. 

    "T-thank you." I say, still shivering. We just sit there in silence. My eyes started closing, I'm so tired. 

        "Elizabeth, hey, the rain stopped." I open my eyes. 

      My head is on Draco's shoulder! I fell asleep! I jump a bit and yank my head off his shoulder, giving myself whiplash. I grab my neck. 

    "I'm sorry Draco, I don't mean to fall asleep!" Dang it! I called him Draco again. I try to pretend it didn't happen, but we both know that it did.

     "It's fine, Rell. No need to freak out." He said, smiling a bit. 

     "What time is it?" I ask him, it must be late now. 

     "It's 1:38, we should probably get back now." 1:38?! Harry, Hermione, and Ron are gonna be so worried.              

     We climb out of the room and start walking in the direction of the school. "It's past curfew, Filch is gonna catch us!" I whisper shout at him when we get close to the school. 

    "So innocent! Don't tell me you've never snuck around the school before after curfew!" He says, with an amused look on his face. 

    "No, but that doesn't matter! He might still catch us." I say to him, hoping he'll disagree. 

    "He won't catch us, I promise." He says to me. He doesn't have a great reputation for keeping his promises. My chances are still better with him then by myself. He grabs my hand, and I start blushing again. Okay, I really need to start getting this under control! And I was making fun of 'Mione for blushing earlier. 

    We get inside and start walking to the Fat Lady painting. Once we get there, we both climb inside. Other houses aren't technically allowed in the common rooms, but everyone was already sleeping. He stays standing at the painting entrance while I walk into the common room. 

    "Goodnight then." He says to me with an awkward wave. 

    "Goodnight, Draco. Thank you." I purposely called him Draco this time. He didn't seem so surprised. 

    "Anytime Elizabeth." He says with another smirk. What's with him and the smirking? I smile at him calling me by my first name. He leaves the room and I give out a big sigh. There's no way this is the person I've hated the past three years. I walk to the dorm, and everyone's asleep, just like I thought. I climb into bed and snuggle into my bedding. Today was a good day. I slowly close my eyes and go to sleep.

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