Everyone? #13

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    I open my eyes slowly, and see Hermione, Ron, and Harry sleeping next to me. I nudge Harry when I notice Hermione and Ron snuggling. When Harry opens his eyes I point at them. They are gonna be dating in no time. 

    Harry laughs quietly and we both stand up, leaving Ron and Hermione together. We walk to another couch and sit down next to each other. He doesn't even need to say it, I know he wants to talk about what happened yesterday. Before I could talk about what happened, I needed to know the answer to one question. 

    "Are you mad at me?" I ask genuinely. 

    "Of course I'm not mad at you Liz, don't say that. I am mad at him though, hurts you every day for the past three years, then suddenly wants to date you? That's not how it should work." I see the look of anger on his face again. I just nod. 

    "I know, but he has a good side, I promise. He won't hurt me anymore." I assure him, and he nods hesitantly. 

    "If you're sure. How did it happen?" He asks. 

    "I don't really know. It was really fast. It was really back and forth too. He kissed me in detention, and I slapped him, then he apologised, and I kissed him, then ran away. We started dating on the condition that he wouldn't hurt me. He won't hurt me Harry, I promise. I think he loves me." I really hope that last part is true, because I think I love him too. Harry nods. 

   "I believe you. When are you gonna tell them?" He asks me, looking at Hermione and Ron. 

   "I don't know. I want Draco to help, because I can't seem to build up the courage." Harry opens his mouth to say something, but Hermione and Ron start waking up. 

    "Morning lovebirds." I say to them, and Ron throws a pillow at me. 

   "You are so dead!" I yell and grab another pillow off the couch. I run up to him and hit him in the back with it. Then I feel a blow to my back, and hear Hermione's giggles. "Harry! Get her!" I yell to Harry, and she hits him with her pillow. Harry grabs one too and starts battling Hermione. I go back to battling Ron. 

    After a few hits, "Ok, ok, I surrender! Stop hitting me!" Ron yells, then drops his pillow, and I drop mine, and we fall to the ground laughing. Harry and Hermione finish quickly too, Hermione won, but I refuse to admit it, and we go up to our dormitories to get dressed. 

     "So, how was your sleep? Have fun cuddling with Ron?" I ask her. 

    "I don't know, do you have fun cuddling with Draco?" Wait, did she just say Draco? 

    "Harry told you?!" I ask in surprise. Is she mad? I don't know, she's smiling. 

    "What? You told Harry before me?!" She puts on a fake betrayal face. 

    "I'm sorry! He asked! But how did you know?" I ask impatiently. 

    "Oh come on! It's obvious with the way you look at him!" Other girls started stirring with our yelling, so I lead her into the bathroom. "I'm surprised you guys even get any work done with how much you just look at each other in potions. And all the disappearing and lying about where you've been? It's clear you had a boyfriend!" Ok, she has a point.

    "Are you mad at me?" I ask her, and she answers with a question, 

    "Is he good for you?" I nod a little harder than I should have. 

    "Does Ron know?" If Hermione and Harry knew, Ron would feel left out if he didn't. 

    "No, I've shared my theory, but he doesn't believe me." Ok, so I need to tell him. 

   "I love you." I give her a hug, and lift her off the ground like a 10 year old. 

    "Put me down Liz! What's with you and grabbing me?" She says jokingly. I put her down and shrug. I think I have to go tell Ron. 

    "Should I go tell Ron?" She nods. 

    "I'll come with you." I nod and we head down. The boys are in the common room waiting for us.

    "You guys haven't even changed! Come on I'm hungry!" Ron says with a frustrated sigh. 

    "Can we talk to you Ron?" I say to him, and motion towards me, Harry, and Hermione. Harry has a confused look on his face, probably because I just told him I wasn't telling them yet, but walks toward us anyways. 

    "Uh, yeah, sure." Ron says, almost as confused as Harry. When Ron's head is turned, I mouth to Harry, 'She already knew', and he laughs. We all go sit on a couch by the fire place. 

    "So, what's this about?" Ron asks, looking around. 

    "It's about me." I say to him, and he urges me to continue. "I, um, kind of have a boyfriend." It felt so weird saying that, and Ron seemed to think so too. 

    "What do you mean? Who is it? Dean, Oliver, Seamus?" Oh great, he's gonna be disappointed. Hermione puts her hand on mine. 

    "It's Draco." I say, trying to say it straight. His face turns a little red. 

    "Seriously Elizabeth?! Draco?! How could you?!" He yells, and I jump back a little. He doesn't seem to notice. 

    "You're a bloody idiot!" That's what made the tears start coming. 

    "Ronald!" Hermione reprimanded, and he shrugged it off. 

    "He's a good person. I swear." I say, my voice cracking every other word. 

    "No he's not! He's gonna spoil you rotten!" He yells at me again. I really hoped this would go the other way. 

    "Ronald Weasley! Don't say that about Liz!" Harry yelled. I'm done with this. If this is the way he wants to play it, then fine. I stand up and run out the door. Hermione's quick to follow, and Harry stays in the common room yelling at Ron. 

    "Hey Liz, it's okay. Relax. We'll talk to him." Hermione says, which helps, but the tears keep flowing. 

    "Do you want me to leave?" She asks. I nod. There's only one person I want to see right now. 

    I watch her crawl back through the portrait hole, yelling at Ron before the portrait even shut.
I walk towards the dungeons, wiping my tears away as I do. I walk over to the stone wall, and wait for a Slytherin to come out. 

    Once someone comes out, I push past them and enter the common room. My face is still red and wet, and I look horrendous. 

    "What are you doing in here, you filthy little mudblood?" I hear a random Slytherin ask me, and I just ignore it. I finally spot Draco at the back, with Pansy and Blaise. I run over there and he sees me, noticing my red, tear stained face. He quickly stands up, leading my towards the dormitory, ignoring everyone yelling at him. We walk up the stairs, and he leads me to a room. There is only one bed, so he must get his own dorm. 

    "What happened?" He asks, sitting me down on the bed and staring into my eyes. 

    "Just, kiss me." I say to him.

     He leans in and kisses me, keeping it soft and sweet. After a few seconds, he pulls away and asks again, "What happened?"

Forbidden Love; Draco Malfoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now