The Train Ride #1

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Hi everyone! Just some things you should know before reading
•your name is Elizabeth Rell
•you're in Gryffindor and your best friends are Harry, Hermione, and Ron
•you are in year 5 (15-16)
Hope you enjoy the story!


         I looked out the window of the Hogwarts Express, watching the chaos at Kings Cross station. I'm excited to see Harry, Hermione, and Ron, my best friends since year 1. 

        Finally, they appear in the crowd, smiling like psychos and waving at me. I wave back, smiling as well. As much as they often embarrassed me, they were the best friends I could ever ask for. 

     "Stop embarrassing yourself, you little mud blood!" I recognize the voice immediately.

     "Is there nothing better to do, Malfoy? Then to talk to the little mud blood?" I snap back.

      He opens his mouth to say something before Harry interrupts, "Shove off Malfoy!" 

      Draco glares, then walks away angrily. 

    "Harry! I missed you!" I wrap my arms around his neck and he returns the hug. 

    "Where are the others?" I ask him. 

     "Dropping their trunks off at the doors, they should be here any second." 

      Almost as if they heard, they turned the corner into the compartment. 

     "Hermione! Ron! Good to see you!" I tell them, before wrapping them up into a group hug. 

     "I missed you Elizabeth!" Hermione says, as Ron looks through my bag for food. 

     "Hey Liz." Ron says, almost non understandable, as he shoves his face full of one of my chocolate frogs. "Ooh! Krum! Don't have him yet!" He says, looking at the card. We all sit down. 

    "Actually Ron, that's my card, it came from my bag." He gives me a pleading look. 

    "Come on, you don't even collect them!" He says frustrated. 

    "Well, sucks to be you!" I say, pulling the card out of his hand and sticking my tongue out at him. After a lot of complaining, he gives up and slouches. When he's not looking, I slide the card into his pocket. 

    "So, what'd you all do this summer?" Harry says, starting a conversation. 

    "I went to the World Cup!" Ron says excitedly. "Of course the Irish won, but Krum caught the snitch, just like I said he would!" Ron sticks his tongue out at Harry, who had made a bet with him last year. 

    Harry said Bulgaria would win because they have Viktor Krum, who's supposedly the best Seeker in the world. While Harry and Ron blabbered on about quidditch, I talked to Hermione. 

    "So 'Mione, tell me you and Ron are official now!" I say to her as she blushes. Her and Ron have liked each other for the past two years, but both refuse to admit it. 

    "No, Liz. I've told you, I'm not dating anyone right now, OWLS are too close. I can't loose focus." She said while clearly trying to stop herself from blushing. 

   "Okay, fine, but at least admit that you like him." I say, hoping today is the day she admits her feelings. 

   "So, what have you been up to this summer?" She asks, changing the subject. 

    "Nothing really, we both know muggle parents don't get up to much. And trust me, you will, at some point, admit that you like Ron." I say with a smirk. 

    "No I won't, stop changing the subject!" She says, blushing again. 

    "You did it first." I remind her. "What have you been up to?" I ask, when she finally turns a normal shade again. 

    "Same thing you said, muggle parents don't do anything exciting, but I got some new books!" She says excitedly. 

     "Ooh, when we get to Hogwarts, you're showing me all of them!" I say. I'm a bookworm, just like her. She's about to say something when someone knocks at the compartment door. 

     "Would you like anything?" Says someone pulling a cart filled with sweets from Honeydukes. 

     "Four of everything, please" Harry says, pulling out some gold from his back pocket. 

    "We'll split the bill." I say, motioning towards me and Harry. I can tell Hermione wants to as well, but she doesn't want to make Ron feel bad. Ron's family doesn't have very much money, and his mom sends him with food, so he doesn't have to pay for anything. I pull out some gold from my back pocket as well, and me and Harry both hand it to the lady. She pulls the cart into the compartment and dumps a huge handful of sweets onto the table. 

     "Thank you!" We all say in unison. She nods her head and walks away. 

     Before I can close the door, Draco, Pansy, and Blaise walk into our compartment. 

    "What do you and your little goons want?" I say coldly to Draco. He ignores me and looks at the sweets, and then to Ron, who's holding a handful of them. 

     "Ooh, Daddy must have gotten a promotion at work to be able to afford those sweets. Funny though, I don't know who would want to promote him? Do any of you have an idea?" Harry and Hermione both have to hold Ron back. Draco looks at Pansy and Blaise and smirks. 

    "Get out Malfoy!" I tell him. 

    "And what are you gonna do if I don't, you little mud blood?" He smirks again. 

    "Oh I'll show you!" I yell, reaching for my wand. 

    They all jump back, and I hold the wand to Draco's throat. He looks at me with fear in his eyes. Better then arrogance, way better than arrogance. 

    "Miss Rell! What in the world are you doing?" I look out the compartment door, where the lady who gave us treats stands, looking at me in an angry and scared sort of way. Draco smirks at me, and I lower my wand. 

   "Magic is prohibited outside of Hogwarts under the age of 17! You know this!" She shouts, making other compartments doors open and heads peek out. 

    "I didn't actually use any magic." I say, and she glares at me. 

    "And you're to tell me you wouldn't have used magic if I hadn't shown up?" She asks, clearly angry. I lower my head and stay silent. 

    "Mr. Malfoy, you are free to go back to your compartment." She says to Draco. Gosh, I hate that kid so much. 

    "I will be informing Professor Dumbledore about this incident, and you are to go directly to his office after the sorting and feast! Understood?" She says, still glaring.

   "Understood." I say, with my head still lowered. She promptly turned around and walked away, slamming the compartment door behind her. The second the door closes, Harry and Ron start laughing and high fiving me, whereas Hermione looks like she's the one who just got in trouble. 

   "Elizabeth! How could you do that! You could be expelled!" Hermione screams, shaking her head violently. 

      "She won't get expelled, Hermione, she didn't actually do any magic. And you know Dumbledore, he knows how much of a bloody jerk Malfoy can be." Harry says, and Ron nods along, clearly glad to be right about something Hermione's wrong about. 

     "Okay fine, but she's still gonna be in trouble! And you should never threaten someone with your wand like that!" Hermione says, trying to convince Harry and Ron that she's right and they're wrong. 

     "Actually 'Mione, you're the only one who's threatened someone with a wand like that, I wasn't threatening, I was actually gonna do it." I say smugly, watching her face turn red. "No offence Hermione, that was the most amazing thing you've ever done." I say, there's no way I want to convince her that she shouldn't have done that to Draco. 

    Harry gave me another high five. We all sat silently the rest of the train ride, Hermione, with her face red and embarrassed, and me, Ron and Harry smirking at each other trying not to burst out laughing. Finally, Hogwarts came in to view.

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