"Liz, stop ignoring me!" I hear Hermione yell for the fourth time. I don't want to talk to her after catching her at the lake, and she doesn't seem to understand that. I continue to walk to the bathroom, her footsteps echoing mine. I shut the door on her face and I'm quick to lock it. I head to the mirror, ignoring the constant bangs on the door, and wash my face. 

    "Please just tell me what I did." She pleaded, but I'm still not ready to talk to her. I finish brushing my teeth and getting ready, then exit the bathroom and dormitory. She quits following and stays in the dorm. Before I can let out a sigh of relief, Harry appears in front of me. 

    "Hey, Liz, can we talk?" Harry asks. I continue to walk past and exit the common room, leaving the painting swinging. I head down to the Great Hall, thinking about yesterday. 

    I had slept at Draco's dorm after seeing the trio in the lake, and maybe it was a little petty of me to make this a big deal, but Ron hasn't apologised, and they pretended nothing had happened with him. When I went back to my dorm to change, they overwhelmed me with questions, and it was just easier to ignore them then to answer. I was also really mad at them and didn't want to talk to them either way. 

    At last I'm in the Hall. I walk to the Gryffindor table and sit beside Neville. Neville's a pretty close friend and nice to talk to. He's one of the sweetest boys I've ever met. 

    "Hi Elizabeth! How are you?" Neville asks me excitedly. 

    "I'm good Neville. Thanks. How are you?" I ask with a smile. It's nice to talk to him again, but I can't help feeling guilty that I'm sitting with him to avoid the trio. 

    "Umm, I'm okay I guess." He answers with his head lowered. 

    "What's wrong Neville?" I ask, and a slight smile appears on his face. 

    "It's just that Snape has been making fun of me a lot." He looks like he's trying not to cry. 

    "Hey, it's okay. Snape is a jerk, don't listen to him." Neville seems to brighten up a bit. He opens his mouth to say something, but is interrupted by the seats filling up next to us. 

    I turn my head and it's Hermione, Harry, and Ron. Ron just glares at me, and I glare back, Harry looks confused, and Hermione looks like she's about to cry. 

    "Liz, can we please talk?" Hermione asks. I continue to ignore her and turn back to Neville. 

    "It was good talking to you Neville." I say, and walk away from the group.  I know they will just follow me if I sit at the Gryffindor table, so I walk out of the room and wander through the halls. 

    I suddenly feel arms around my waist and I'm pulled into a broom closet. I turn around and see Draco. 

    "You scared me!" I yell, and punch him in the chest. 

    "I'm sorry, I just want to ask why you're out here wandering aimlessly in the halls instead of eating breakfast? Is it the trio again? Because I'll gladly talk to them." A flash of anger crosses his face. 

    "There will be no need for that, please and thank you," the corners of his mouth lift up a bit, "and, yes. But please don't worry, it's fine!" I say, hoping he'll take me seriously. He breaks eye contact and lowers his head a little. 

    "I didn't mean to do this." He says, and I grab his hand. "Just stop." I whisper. I let go of his hand and walk out of the broom closet. He follows. 

This is all I have for this part. If you havent read my last part, you wont know that this is the last time I will be publishing on this account. Go check out my last part to be up to date. I love you all,

-Author (Char)

Forbidden Love; Draco Malfoy FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora