Chapter 20: The Gala

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Katara, Ty Lee and Toph sat in her room in the Beifong mansion, which, at Toph's request, had stone floors and metal walls. 

"Explain how Avatar Yangchen's choices contributed to dark spirit attacks during Kuruk's time," Katara read off of a flashcard. 

"Well, Yangchen generally favored humans over spirits, and there weren't any human wars while she was alive," Ty Lee started. 

"But when humans and spirits got into conflict, she would always side with the humans. As more and more humans began to disrespect the spirits and nature and the physical world, lots of spirits began to turn dark," Toph finished. Katara nodded approvingly. 

"I think you're ready for the exam next week," she said. Toph and Ty Lee smiled and the three of them headed downstairs, where Sokka, Aang and Azula were sitting on a luxurious leather sofa. 

"Okay," Toph said, "We have the gala with Glacier Moon industries tonight. Now, I don't know what the PTA lady-"

"Ahnah," Azula cut in. 

"I don't know what Ahnah looks like." No one laughed. Toph sighed, "I'm blind, people!" she screamed.

"Ohh," everyone groaned. Toph grinned.

"But I doubt you guys know what she looks like either, so we'll just have to take our best guess and hope that we can get on her good side." Toph examined Aang, who was currently lighting and un-lighting the candles on the coffee table with firebending, not even trying to hide his boredom, and Sokka, who was blowing out said candles, only for Aang to light them again. 

"Maybe you two can just be on the kitchen staff for tonight," Toph said.


The gaang gathered in the ballroom (yes, the Beifongs had a ballroom) in traditional earth kingdom garb, except for Toph. Her parents had felt just a little bit guilty for locking her up in a room and sending her off to a private, disciplinary boarding school, so she was wearing pants and a blouse, instead of the sleek, sophisticated dresses that were the norm. Aang and Sokka came out a few minutes later holding plates of hors d'oevres, with a sour expression on their faces

"Another crab puff please,"  Toph snickered. 

"Yes ma'am," Aang sighed. 

"Sokka?" Sokka spun around and almost dropped his tray of appetizers. Standing in front of him was a girl wearing an extravagant fur coat, and a purple dress. She had brown skin and bright white hair that was done up in a complicated hairstyle. 

"Yue?!" he said, an 'o' of surprise appearing on his face. Yue smiled, "I- I thought you moved to Crescent City. What are you doing here?" 

"I was going to ask you the same question," Yue said. She seemed just as surprised as he was.  

"It's a bit of a long story," Sokka laughed. 

"Well, I would love to hear it." Sokka gave Aang his tray and followed Yue through the ballroom. She seemed very well adjusted to high society, taking a little flute of champagne from a tray as they passed by. 

"So did you get the girl?" was the first thing she said.


"Suki," Yue said impatiently, "Did you get together with Suki."

"Ohh," Sokka said, "Now I feel like an idiot."

"That's because you are an idiot," Azula shouted from where she was eavesdropping a few feet away. Sokka coughed. 

"Yeah, we're together," he said, " Suki's going to college at Kyoshi University. I'm hoping to go there as well, and I should be getting a letter from them soon."

"What are you going to major in?"

"Mechanical engineering, how about you?"

"Astronomy," Yue said bashfully, "It's always been a passion of mine and I'm studying it at Tui and La University. Now will you please tell me why you're dressed as a busboy."

"Toph didn't think Aang and I could fit in with high society," Sokka said sheepishly, "What are you doing here?"

"My Dad and my Aunt are the owners of Glacier Moon industries," Yue explained, "We're entering a partnership with the Beifongs."

"Wait, what's your Aunt's name?" Sokka asked. 

"Oh, well her first name is Ahnah. I can introduce her if you'd like." From across the room, Azula and Katara gave him a thumbs up. 

"Uh, sure," Sokka said, like an idiot.


"I don't think she liked me that much."

"Well I think she thought you were charming, in an oafish sort of way," Yue said. The two of them were talking at the horrendously long dining room table while eating dinner. Sokka had pretty much dropped the busboy act, "I think you made a good enough impression that she'll support you and your friends at the PTA meetings."

"Thanks for helping us, Yue," Sokka said. 

"It was my pleasure," Yue was quiet for a moment, "It was good to see you," she said thoughtfully, "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm glad that things didn't work out between us."

"How else am I supposed to take that but the wrong way?"

"You know what I mean," Yue said with a halfhearted smile, "We didn't share any of the same interests, you were hung up on someone else, I could go on and on." 

"Yeah," Sokka said, "I guess it just wasn't meant to be."


"Well," Azula said as she dropped Katara and Sokka off at their apartment, "If Toph and Ty Lee ace their tests, then we'll be all set, thanks to Sokka."

"It's my absolute pleasure," Sokka said facetiously, "please, feel free to shower me with praise."

"I'll pass." Katara was already halfway up the stairs when Sokka got out of the car. 

"Hey, can you check the mail?" she called.

"Sure!" Katara smiled and headed inside the apartment. She changed into some sweatpants and a baggy tee shirt, before joining Hakoda and Gran Gran for some tea. Sokka ran into the apartment a few minutes later, holding an official looking envelope. 

"It's from Kyoshi," he said breathlessly. Katara's eyes widened as her father and grandmother ushered him over to the sofa. 

"Well, open it then," Gran Gran said. Sokka smiled nervously and tore open the envelope. He read over the piece of paper silently, his face expressionless.

"Are you going to tell us what it says, or not?" Hakoda said impatiently. Sokka gave them a sheepish grin, before screaming,

"I got in!" Hakoda and Gran Gran whooped and hollered, "With 35,000 in financial aid!" Sokka turned to his sister, seeing the pained expression on her face. 


"Yeah?" Katara tried to appear cheerful, but was unsuccessful. 

"You know I'm your brother."


"And that we're always going to be together, even if we're physically apart." Katara smiled a little bit. 

"I know, Sokka," she said. 


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