Chapter 4: The Four Nations Farmers Market

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It was a Friday in early September. Summer was starting to become Fall as the edges of the leaves turned yellow. Aang was walking towards through the suburban neighborhoods near Guru Pathik's house and towards main street, where the farmers market was held every week. Zuko was going to college at Sozin's University, which was only a few miles away, and he was going to spend the weekend with Iroh. It would great to see him again, albeit a little awkward. 

"Hey, Twinkle Toes," he heard Toph's voice as he was just about to turn the corner to the market. She was wearing a pleated skirt and a green blouse, and her hair was down.

"My parents wouldn't let me leave the house unless I wore this," she said. 

"Oh," was all Aang could say. They walked in silence for awhile, before Toph cleared her throat and punched Aang in the arm.

"Ow," he said, confused, "that really hurt."

"I find it's a good conversation starter." 

"Aang! Toph!" Katara and Sokka walked up to them, with a smile, "Sokka's going to help out in our tutoring program," Katara said excitedly, "He can cover math and science. Then I can do waterbending, and language arts, you can do history and social studies, and Azula can do literally everything except for earthbending," she turned to Toph, "Toph, do you think maybe you could tutor for earthbending?" Toph sighed.

"I'm flattered, Katara," she said pensively, "I'll think about it." The first shop you would see on main street was the Jasmine Dragon, so they went there first. Katara took Aang's hand (Toph and Sokka made a face) and pushed open the door. The Jasmine Dragon was warm and comforting, as always. Iroh was serving tea to the patrons, and Zuko came up to them.

"It's so good to see you all," he said. Zuko looked... happy. He seemed content, "I want you to meet some of my new friends. He led them over to a large table where two people Zuko's age were drinking tea. 

"You probably already know Jin," he said, pointing to the girl. She had brown doe eyes and her hair was in a messy ponytail.

"It's nice to officially meet you," she said with a smile. 

"And this is Haru," Zuko continued, pointing to the boy. He had long black hair and the beginnings of a mustache on his face. Aang felt Katara squeeze his hand tightly. 

"... And this is Aang. he's the Avatar," Aang smiled and waved, "Sokka, Toph, and K-" 

"I- I just realized that I have to get some cabbages for Gran Gran," Katara said quickly. Aang could feel the nervousness in her voice, "y- you know how the cabbage merchant is. His products sell out quick." She let go of Aang's hand and walked- almost ran out the door, closing it softly behind her.


"Katara?" Aang had left the Jasmine Dragon 10 minutes later and was walking between the white tents of the farmers market to look for Katara. He went to the cabbage tent first, and asked the cabbage merchant if he'd seen her.

"Oh, she bought some of my cabbages, and then she went over that way," he pointed down. The street lights began to turn on and the sky was a rosy shade of orange as Aang found Katara sitting by a white tent. Aunt Wu, who had been working at the front desk of the high school, was sitting behind the tent.

"Katara," Aang said tentatively as he approached the tent. Katara sighed.

"Hey, Aang," she said.

"Why did you run off like that?" there was a pause, "Did you already know Haru." The look on Katara's face told him that he was right. 

 "Yeah, I know him," she finally said, standing up. Aang waited for her to elaborate, but she didn't.

"Wait," he said as realization donned on his face, "Were you two a couple?!"

"Aang, don't be ridiculous," Katara said quickly, "I just- Well I- I had the biggest crush on him the year before you started going to school here, and then I told him I liked him, and he didn't feel the same, and I just, didn't want to have an awkward conversation with him after avoiding him for a year." 

Should I be jealous right now? Aang thought, because he wasn't, not at all. It didn't seem like Katara had feelings for him anymore, anyway, she just seemed embarrassed. 

"Well, I think that you're probably going to have to talk to him eventually, especially since Zuko seems to be good friends with him," Aang said. Katara sighed.

"Yeah..." Aang touched her shoulder.

"But you don't need to do it tonight," he said, "Why don't we hang out, just the two of us." Katara smiled a little bit.

"Like a date?"

"Yeah," Aang said happily, "let's make it a date." 

"Fine, but you have to go get your fortune told," Katara teased.

"For you, I'd do anything."


So far, Toph's parents hadn't really done anything except for give her a dress code, and cut off her allowance. She got her own money from selling random rocks that she found to students on campus and claiming they were meteorites, and using earthbending to win games at the county fair, so the latter restriction didn't affect her that much. That evening, she had told her parents that she was going to see her cousins. Then she bribed the chauffeur with said money from scams and fake meteorites into taking her to the farmers market instead, and not telling her parents. It was definitely a lot of work just for some time with her friends, but for Toph, it was all worth it. 

The biggest lie that she had told was about her earthbending. They all thought that she was just a helpless little blind girl that would live with her parents for the rest of her life, but Toph had a plan. She was going to major in Mining and Mineral Engineering, and develop better, safer mining systems. Of course, her parents would hate to see her associating with working class earthbenders, who were often the ones in the mines. The question was, was she willing to take more risks? Toph decided that she was willing. She excused herself from the table at the Jasmine Dragon and searched for Aang and Katara. It was easy to find them. Using her seismic sense, she located them near a photo booth, and waited patiently until they came out, smiling and laughing. 

"Hey, Katara," she said apprehensively, "do you still want me to tutor for earthbending." Katara nodded and smiled even wider.

"That would be amazing," she said. 


Thanks for Reading! 

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