Chapter 17: A Life Changing Field Trip

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"Sleeping Bags?"





"Zuko, we have everything!" Azula groaned, "Now let's just go see Mom and get this over with."

"Is that all this is to you?" Zuko said, "A chore that we have to complete?"

"Yup," Azula replied, getting into the car, "Now let's go, so we can get to Hira'a by tomorrow afternoon." 

"Fine," Zuko pulled out of the parking lot of the Jasmine Dragon. It was around noon. The backseat of the gray Audi was filled with supplies for their weekend trip to see Ursa. Hira'a wasn't as far as, say, Kyoshi University, but the siblings would still need to spend the night. Most of the first stretch of driving was spent in silence, with Azula reading a magazine while Zuko listened to awful country music. After about an hour, Azula shut it off. 

"You drive then," Zuko said, keeping his eyes on the road. They pulled up at the nearest convenience store and switched spots. Azula was a much more erratic driver than Zuko was, looking at her phone half of the time and narrowly avoiding trucks on the highway, all while playing 90's R&B.

"How long until the campsite?" she asked. 

"A couple hours," Zuko sighed. Soon enough, they reached a rundown campsite just as the stars began to come out. 

Azula made a campfire (very easily, since she could firebend) and the two of them ate some sandwiches Iroh had given them. 

"Do you want to stop at Omashu tomorrow," Zuko asked. Azula shrugged. 

"I dunno." Zuko sighed. 

"Will you please just give me a straight answer."


"Thank you!"

"No, I will not give you a straight answer," Azula said. Zuko groaned. 

"I see you haven't matured at all since we were kids," he said, "Like when you firebent at Mai just so I would save her."

"Oh, come on, you were both love struck idiots who were too emo to say anything. I had to help you out."

"Well I think you're crazy."

"Ha, you and mom." Zuko frowned. 

"What do you mean?"

"Really, Zuko," Azula said, "I know it's been a long time, but you can't tell me you don't remember how much Mom loved you more than me. Do you really think that she's going to be happy to see me."

"Yes," Zuko said, "Because you're her daughter." Azula scoffed. 

"Well, you're Dad's son, but that didn't stop him from hating your very existence."

"I can't deal with this anymore," Zuko sighed, "Are we going to Omashu tomorrow, or not." Azula was about to say no, when she remembered Sokka's words from the other night. She could at least try. 

"Fine," she said. Zuko nodded. 

"I'll be by the car," Azula took a bag of cheetos out of her brother's hands and left the firepit. She set her sleeping bag on the ground next to the car and looked up. 

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