Chapter 3: Dysfunctional

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Azula woke up at six AM without an alarm, as per usual. As she did her morning stretches, she repeated in her head the words that she had repeated every morning for many years. It was both her mantra, and her goals for life.

Take all AP classes during senior year, she finished her stretches and headed over to the walk-in closet in her spacious bedroom. 

Graduate with all A's, she changed into a red jean skirt, a black blouse, and some gold jewelry. 

Go to Sozin University. Get a degree in political science. Make Dad Proud. She did her makeup and hair. 

Next, go to Ember Island Law School. Get your law degree. She took one last look in the mirror, than headed downstairs. After a quick survey of the house, she knew that her father wasn't there, most likely closing some business deal somewhere. Azula sat down at the counter and poured herself some cereal. 

Marry Ty Lee. Her spoon clattered to the ground. 

Dammit Zula, she picked the spoon up and started again. 

Marry someone rich, she left the cereal on the table for the maids to clean up. 

Than divorce him two years later and steal all his money. She grabbed her gold messenger bag and headed out the door. 

When Dad dies, take over the company, She stepped into her red mustang and turned the key into the ignition. 

When I die, give all my inheritance to... this was the flaw in her plan. She most likely would've cut all her ties with Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee. In her plan she wouldn't have any children. She would be all alone, and what was the point of success if you didn't have anyone to share it with?


"And that's going to close our lecture for today. Everyone have a fantastic afternoon!" Mai gathered up her notebooks and moved between the rows of the seats in the lecture hall, towards the front. Her professor, Noriko, was fixing something on a calendar when Mai came up to her. 

"I just wanted to say that that was a really interesting lesson," she said. Mai may have been... abrasive, but she was still raised by a strict family who had taught her proper manners. But rather than a quick thank you and a smile, Noriko tensed up.

"T-Thank you," she stuttered, "Have a great rest of your day." She gathered up her things much more quickly and walked swiftly out of the lecture hall, leaving Mai perplexed and puzzled. Now that she thought of it, Noriko did seem kind of familiar. There was something about her eyes that made Mai feel as if she had met her before. But at that moment, Mai dismissed the notion and put it in the back of her mind. She had other classes to get to. 


Katara and Aang walked tentatively into classroom 47, where student government was held on Thursdays. They sat down on one of the long tables and waited for a few minutes for Ty Lee to show up. Katara was taking out a three ring binder with the homemade label, Student Government, on it, and was rifling through pages of notebook paper. 

"Wow," Aang said, "You... did a lot over the summer. Impressive!" Katara kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks, Sweetie."

"We're here!" As soon as they heard the word 'we' Aang and Katara knew that this... would be awkward. Ty Lee, the walking cinnamon roll, strolled into the classroom with a beaming smile. She was linking arms with Azula, who was quite the opposite of a walking cinnamon roll, and was condescendingly glaring at them to show it. Azula and Ty Lee sat down across from them. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife.

"So...," Ty Lee said, attempting to remain cheerful, "how should we start?" Katara cleared her throat and took out some papers from her binder.

"Well, I've come up with a few ideas that will make the most out of the school's budget, that isn't used for the firebending program," she glanced up at Azula, "That is, as long as our student body president approves of it." Azula grimaced. 

"Enlighten me," she said sourly. Most of Katara's animosity was replaced with a smile. She loved explaining things.

"Well, first of all, I wanted to start a tutoring program," she said, "We should be able to get enough people together to cover the core classes, and the three bending styles, since tutoring looks great on college applications." Azula seemed to try to come up with a retort, but instead she just sighed and nodded approvingly. Katara's confidence grew.

"Next, I think that if we start now, we can organize a Prom for the Spring, and maybe a Sadie Hawkins dance or a winter formal." Azula sort of chuckled.

"You're hilariou- wait, what's a Sadie Hawkins dance?"

"It's where the girl is the one asking their partner to the dance instead of the guy," Aang summarized.

"Heteronormative much," Azula muttered. She was staring at Ty Lee, who pulled Aang, Katara, and Azula closer and took a selfie with them.

"I'm so glad we're all friends now!" she said, then she seemed to notice what time it was, "Oh! I forgot that soccer tryouts were today," she stood up, "Zula, do you want to come with me?"  

"Sure," Azula said, shrugging. Aang and Katara glanced at each other.

She forgot about soccer tryouts?

"Sokka's trying out today, too," Katara said, "We'll come with you." Azula rolled her eyes, but didn't protest.  


"Who do you think will get team captain?" Aang asked as he and Katara sat in the bleachers. Azula was sitting a few feet away from them. Coach Piandao was jotting down notes as Ty Lee, Sokka, and a few others darted around the field. 

"Either Sokka, or one of Suki's friends," Katara replied, "This is Ty Lee's first time trying out, and everyone else is an underclassman." Aang glanced around the bleachers.

"It seems like Toph would be here," he said tentatively, "I know it's been a while since I've seen her, but has she been acting different to you?"

"Yeah, she's been acting really weird," Katara said, "like, more distant than usual," she sighed, "I hope she's ok."

"Yes! Yeah, Ty Lee! Bury them into the ground where only the worms, chewing on their desecrated skin cells will mourn them!" Aang and Katara stared at Azula in surprise.

"What are you looking at?" she retorted. Aang gulped and quickly turned away. 

"Toph never really... opens up to us," Katara said, "I don't think that she really knows we're here for her." Aang nodded in agreement. It was hard to have a peaceful, introspective moment, when Azula was yelling out military strategy for Ty Lee to use in her soccer tryout, but somehow, the two of them were able to achieve it.


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