Chapter 6: Reunited

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Katara and Sokka were sitting on the kitchen table at their apartment when they heard a knock on the door. 

"I'll get it," Gran Gran said from the living room. They listened closely and heard a voice that they knew well as the door swung open.

"Good afternoon, ma'am, is Sokka here?" A few moments later, the door swung closed and Suki walked in.

"Suki ?!" Sokka said in astonishment, "I thought we weren't going to see each other until tomorrow."

"I wanted to surprise you," Suki said with a smile on her face. She looked mostly the same as she always did, but she had bleached the tips of her auburn hair, which had grown out a little more, and she was wearing a half-up half-down hairstyle. She had also changed from pink to red lipstick over the past few months. "Can I sit down?" Sokka nodded, still a little in shock. Suki smiled, hugged Katara, and sat down on the kitchen table. 

"I can only stay for a few minutes before I have to get back to my team, but how have you been?" she asked.

"So much better now that you're here," Sokka said truthfully. Suki elbowed him playfully. 

"Don't use that cheesy line on me, lover boy." Katara brought out some potato chips, but rather than gobble them up immediately, as he usually did, Sokka waited for Suki to have some first. It was the highest compliment her brother could give someone.

"Well, all of us are coming to your game tomorrow."

"Even Toph?"

"She's just coming for the free food and merchandise," Katara said.

"Glad to see she hasn't changed," Suki grinned, "Is Azula still a pain in the ass?" 

"Eh, I think that we're starting to warm up to her."

"Speak for yourself," Sokka muttered, "She's still terrifying."

"I never said that she was any less terrifying, Sokka." A 'ping' sounded from Suki's phone. She took it out of her pocket and frowned, 

"I'm so sorry guys, I have to go." She gave Sokka a peck on the lips, "I'll see you all tomorrow." Sokka sighed.

"I have the coolest. Girlfriend. Ever." 


Since Zuko went to Sozin University, he had managed to get front row seats to Suki's game so that Toph could feel the vibrations better. Surprisingly, Katara noticed quite a few fans (pun intended) wearing the green and gold of Kyoshi as she sat down, along with Sokka, Aang, Toph, Zuko, and Ty Lee. 

"This isn't going to be close at all," Zuko muttered, "Almost all the Sozin students think that sports are beneath them."

"Of course they do," Katara sighed. 

"Heyyy!" Katara immediately stiffened as Jin and Haru walked over, sitting next to Zuko. Aang touched her shoulder, smiled at her, and offered her some popcorn. She relaxed a little.

"Hey, Katara? It's been awhile, and I didn't get to talk to you at the farmers market," said Haru. 

"I didn't know you two knew each other," Zuko said. 

"Yeah, it's been a year or two," Katara said fidgeting nervously. 

"Yes!!! Go Suki!!!" Sokka and Toph screamed. 

"She's so cool," Ty Lee said. 

"She's not even doing anything right now," Katara said, "The game just started." 

"Katara, I don't care. She still looks cool no matter what she's doing," Sokka said. Sokka, Toph and Ty Lee kept things from getting too awkward, but after the second quarter, Toph kept getting increasingly nervous about something. She elbowed Ty Lee. 

"Wanna go get some fireflakes at the concession stand?" 

"Sure!" Ty Lee said, bubbly as ever.

"You all know I love food," Sokka said, following them. After a few minutes, Zuko and Jin followed suit. Now it was just Aang, Katara, and Haru. 

"I... have to go to the bathroom?" Aang excused himself. Classic Airbender tactic. Avoid and evade. Very smooth, Aang.

"Sorry I sort of ran off last time," Katara said, seeing no way out, "I guess the last time I talked to you was just really awkward."

"It's no big deal," Haru said, "I get it." She breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Besides, it seems like you found someone who's really good for you."

"Yeah, Katara said," thinking of Aang, "I really have. Wait, how did you know we were together?"

"Because its obvious, Katara," Haru said, laughing, "Have you seen the way you look at each other?"


Ty Lee and Sokka sat by the concession stand eating corn dogs, while Toph stood a few feet away. She turned her phone down to the lowest volume possible, and listened to the texts that her parents had sent her.

Where are you, young lady, you said you would be back by 4 o'clock. 

I don't think that study groups take this long, Toph

If you aren't back here in 20 minutes you can kiss Four Elements High School goodbye. Toph sucked in a breath. Then she ran over to Zuko. 

"Can you drive me home?" She asked urgently.

"Right now?"



The good thing about Zuko was that for the most part he didn't ask any questions. They reached sort of an understanding as they drove towards the Beifong Mansion.

"I'm on my way," Toph spoke into the microphone, then sent the text to her mom.

"Overbearing parents?" Zuko asked casually. Toph sighed.


"I mean, my dad burnt my face because I spoke out of turn, so I get it." How are you supposed to respond to that? There was an awkward silence. 

"You're... pretty socially inept, aren't you," Toph said. 

"I've got my upbringing to thank for that, too," Zuko smiled a little bit, "but I think you've got some issues of your own to deal with."

"You've got that right, Sparky," Toph frowned, "now less talking, more driving."

"I'm not your personal Chauffeur, Toph, you aren't paying me." Toph handed him a 20 dollar bill.

"I think you're mistaken," she said, "Today, Sifu Hotman, you are my personal Chauffeur."

"You can keep the money," Zuko said, "but I get to ask you one question." 


"Why don't you ever let anyone in?" Toph scrunched up her nose. Why did it have to be that question?

"I can do everything for myself, by myself," she said, "Thanks for the ride, Zuko." She stepped out of his car, still a block or two away from her house, gave Zuko a halfhearted wave, and prepared to face her parents. 


"Suki, that was AMAZING!" Ty Lee said. After her game, the gaang had gone to Flameo Barbeque for a celebratory dinner (Aang had a salad, everyone else had meat) "You were sooo fast, easily the fastest on the team."

"Aw, thanks Ty Lee," Suki said, beaming, "I wish I could spend more time with you guys. It sucks that I have to leave tomorrow." 

"Sorry I'm late," Zuko said, slipping into the booth, "I had to get some homework done." 

"Has Toph... told you anything?" Katara asked. "About why she's been acting weird?" 

"No," Zuko said, "Toph is too self-sufficient for that, but you should talk to her. Something's going on with her and her parents, and I don't think that she would ever tell you of your own accord, even if she really needs to." Aang, Katara and Sokka nodded.


Thanks For Reading!

Four Elements High School: Junior YearOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz