Chapter 5: Tutoring and Group Projects

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Ah, the joys and sorrows of AP world history. It was Aang's best class, but the teacher, Professor Zei, was a bit overenthusiastic. He was constantly talking about the avatars before Aang, and constantly glanced judgingly in his direction. It was certainly a lot to look up to. Avatar Roku was an international ambassador, which was the traditional place of the avatar in a fairly modern society. Kyoshi, on the other hand, was the avatar during a war, and was on the front lines. She was so cool. Kuruk was known as a bit of a celebrity, and Yangchen was a therapist, so there was definitely a lot of leeway. There was no one job that the avatar was trained to do. They just brought balance to the world in any way possible.

"Ahem, Aang?" Aang snapped back to reality. 

"I- I'm sorry professor," he said hastily, "could you please repeat the question?" Aang heard a chuckle from behind him. 

Oh, yeah, he forgot that Azula was in that class. 

"Which avatar almost exclusively served the fire nation during the 6th dynasty?"

"Avatar Szeto," Aang said confidently.

"Ha ha, nerd," someone said from behind him.

Ugh, and Jet was also in this class.

"Wonderful," said Professor Zei, "Now we are going to break into groups for our biggest project of this quarter. It will be about the past avatars." 


"I'll be allowing you to choose your own groups for this project, in groups of 3 or 4 please." Of course, for the one class where Aang didn't have any friends, there was a group project. People started to gather into their groups of friends and Aang was left alone. Then the worst possible thing happened.

"Aang, Jet and Azula, you all seem to not have a group, so how about the three of you form one." The three of them reluctantly sat over in the corner. 

"Perfect," Professor Zei said. This was most definitely not perfect. However, the one thing that Aang and Azula had in common was the need to get a good grade, so both of them started to get their papers out, preparing to work diligently for the rest of the hour. Jet, however, obviously didn't share this sentiment. 

"So it looks like the fire princess doesn't have any friends," he said to Azula.

"Shut up Jet." He turned to Aang.

"So has Katara gotten bored of you ye-"

"Shut up Jet!" Aang used airbending to mess up his hair. 

"Hi Azula!" Ty Lee walked through the door. 

"What are you doing here?" Azula asked, "Don't you have to go to class?"

"Well, yeah, but you forgot your books in art." Ty lee handed Azula her stuff, and Aang noticed Azula blushing like crazy, "Byyye." Azula cleared her throat and put her books away. 

"So, I'm probably going to get burned to a crisp for this, but are you and Ty Lee like, an item or something," Aang asked nervously, taking advantage of the relative peace that had come from the group project. 

"Well, I- I don't know," Azula said, still distracted  "We were sort of on and off last year, but it was never anything serious, and now everything's all awkwar- Why am I telling you this?! Just work on the project."

"Looks like Little Miss Perfect's got some baggage she needs to unpack-"

"SHUT. UP. JET!!!"


"Guys! I have great news!" Sokka said excitedly at lunch. 

"Something to do with meat?" Toph guessed.

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