Chapter 23: Finale

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This is the real last chapter of Four Elements High School, and I've made sure to pack it with references, call-backs, and wholesomeness/sappiness, whatever you want to call it. I'm going to keep writing ATLA fanfics (check the link in the previous chapter to help me out), so stay tuned for some more story updates from me. I want to thank everyone who read, voted and commented on my stories. Okay. Mushy speech complete. 


It was mid afternoon, and Aang, Sokka, and Toph (and Appa) were sitting in the Jasmine Dragon. Katara, Ty Lee, and Azula were getting ready upstairs, and had been for the past three hours. They had only recently released Toph from their makeup armed clutches, but she appeared relatively unscathed. She had no shoes, no mascara. Her hair was lightly curled, and she was in her Prom outfit, but that was all. 

"Are you three just going to stand there, or do you want to help me make some steamed buns?" Iroh called. Technically, he was the interim principal, and should be at prom, but interviews were being conducted and Guru Pathik was said to be a prime candidate for the permanent position. Aang, Toph and Sokka scrambled to their feet, put on aprons, and ran into the kitchen. Iroh quickly put them to work, having Aang stir the sweet, custardy filling, Toph making the dough, and Sokka with the savory, meaty filling. 

"It is taking all of my strength not to eat this," he muttered. By the evening, the dough was proofing, the fillings were ready, and the sounds of footsteps could be heard from upstairs. 

"We're ready!" Katara yelled. Aang grabbed the corsage he'd picked out from it's spot on the windowsill as Azula, Ty Lee, and Katara galloped down the stairs. Azula and Ty Lee had similar gold dresses and matching pink corsages. Ty Lee's hair was down, and it almost reached her waist, while Azula's hair was a little shorter, and had more of a curl to it. 

Katara was wearing her mother's blue dress, and it seemed as though it was made for her, even though Kya had sewn it many, many years ago, and it matched perfectly with her mother's necklace.

"Sweetie, you look amazing," Aang said with an adorable blush on his face. 

"You're looking pretty handsome yourself," Katara said, smiling as he slipped the corsage over her wrist. Iroh took some pictures,first of the couples, then of all of them as a group, with Sokka and Toph snickering like the little demons that they were. 

"Make sure you come here afterwards," Iroh said once the formalities were complete and it was time to head off, "The buns should be ready by then." 

"We will," Katara said, and they headed out the door. 


The Gaoling Country Club looked a lot nicer than when they had last been there. The ballroom had a huge chandelier in the center of the ceiling, and there were dozens of tables with identical bouquets and white table cloths, with plenty of room for dancing of course. 

"Sifu Toph!" Toph spun around and felt the footsteps of her earthbending students coming towards her, as well as Teo and someone else who she didn't recognize.

"How's it going lilylivers?"

"Hey Toph," Teo said, "This is Satoru. We're both from the engineering club." 

"Is it true that you can metalbend?" Asked Satoru, who had black hair, glasses and wide eyes. 

"Yup," Toph said, "And it's very nice to be appreciated." 

"Who knew Toph was so popular?" Sokka said in astonishment. Katara was too busy to respond. She grimaced as she saw Jet and his friends walking over from the other side of the room. Aang was also too busy to respond. He saw Meng, the girl whom he had briefly tutored, walking towards him in a pink ballet dress. 

Four Elements High School: Junior YearWhere stories live. Discover now