White Rabbit

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Overall rating: 9/10

I absolutely love this book as a bl and mystery novel enthusiast.

I love the normalization of gay couples. Much like yuri on ice, this book has a complex plot and the romance takes a back seat. This is great because most of the time for a gay couple to be the main couple in any piece of media it is often just strictly romance and you don't see gay couples getting together in books with other focuses that don't have to do with romance. I explained this in my yuri on ice review, but what I mean is that in an action film or something of the sort there is always a straight couple even though the focus isn't romance, but we don't see that with gay couples. It's nice to see that we're getting to a point where gay couples are common enough in media to see them in other genres that aren't bl. 

Other than that, I thought the pairing had chemistry

I gave it a 9/10 tho bc the plot was a bit unrealistic, and yes it was a mystery novel, but the murderer didn't really have good enough motives for them to feel real or like they really committed the murder. It felt like the final conclusion was a bit of a stretch, but the story was still good and enjoyable. 

I would recommend to anyone who likes a good mystery.

thanks, alivia <3

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