love simon/simon versus the homosapien agenda

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Overall rating: 

movie: 6/10

book: 9.5/10

I had read the book before the movie was announced so naturally I thought the book was better; however I liked both.

 Love simon was great because it didn't over-sexualize simon and blue's relationship like a lot of bls do. their relationship was pure and I felt as if the two of them really understood each other. not to mention falling for someone just based on their personality and who they are rather than looks is always makes for a good healthy relationship.

The reason I thought the book was better was just because it went more in depth and had more details but it's had to fit all of that in a movie so it's understandable that some scenes were cut out.

I really wish they could have casted a gay actor to play Simon, because it isn't really representation. I am glad that they cast a bisexual actor to play blue tho.

I feel like they straight-ified the movie. idk if that makes sense, but the added details that were in the movie, but not the book, I feel were def added by a straight person. like they added a stereotypical gay kid (Ethan); they added the weird ass bullies which were not an accurate representation of homophobia, and i think they added that weird ass principal. The bottom line is that the book was already not an entirely accurate depiction of what it is like to be gay in high school, but they made it even worse in the movie. Homophobia does not appear in the form of two boys standing on a table w a speaker pretending to fuck each other. It's a lot more violent often and more hurtful. I don't know why they turned homophobia into a joke. I don't even know why they added Ethan except maybe because they wanted to appeal to a straight audience. 

They also added in Leah's feelings for Simon which I forgot wasn't in the book. Leah and Abbey didn't really get along in the book because Leah felt as though Abbey was taking over as Simon's best friend and the two kinda had a bit of romantic tension throughout the book which is elaborated on in the sequel. But idk why the added Leah's crush and then made the rest of his friends be like pissed at him like he wasn't being black mailed. I just don't know why they added that. They just kinda talked about it in the book they were more understanding and they weren't mad like they were in the movie.

What also kinda bugged me was how Simon's coming out (and that other kid, Ethan) was a big deal and the whole school cared. I understand that bc of the plot line of course everyone was gonna know, but people like simon's ex girlfriend and others that aren't close to simon aren't gonna really care and especially not the vice principal. 

After some reflection I think the movie was dumb. It was good on it's own, but it completely disrespected the book. They took away scenes like blue buying simon a t shirt of his fav musician and leaving it in his locker w a slip of paper w blue's phone number on it even tho simon never found it. They also made their getting together scene so voyeuristic like tf. In the book blue was revealed on the tilt-a-whirl and no one was watching. I understand changing it to the ferris wheel bc it is more romantic and they can kiss, but why the hell were so many people watching and why did simon announce that he was waiting for blue there publicly even though he knew blue was already scared to come out. idk the movie added shit it didn't need and took out the good shit. 

I would totally recommend either reading the book or the movie, but not both. I also enjoyed the sequel Leah on the Off Beat, but I have yet to watch Love, Victor bc I don't have Hulu

anyways thanks, alivia

p.s sorry for grammar and spelling errors

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