Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating

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Overall rating:


I thought this was the perfect book, it had Muslim rep, it was fake dating, it was gay (although everything here is), it was a great blend of corny wattpad tropes with good writing, and it had a good background plot aside from the main romance. 

The story is about two girls who attend this primarily white school and although they are not friends everyone assumes they are because they are both South Asian. Hani who is apart of a friend group made up of all cishet white girls comes out to them as bi after they try setting her up with one of their boyfriend's friend. They are skeptical and ask how she can even know if she hasn't been with a girl. Ishu wants to be head girl (or whatever they called it class pres adjacent), but she needs people to see her as something other than a nerd. Ishu and Hani begin to fake date to help solve their problems and we all know what happens in the end. 

Overall very good, I would recommend to anyone who loves a good cheesy queer romance

thanks, alivia <3

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