Sotus the Series

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Overall rating: 9.5/10

Sotus the series was the second ever Bl drama that I've watched and out of all of them that I've watched it is my all time favorite. Once again I love the enemies to lovers, so naturally I liked this show. 

I actually don't have much to say about Sotus. I thought the chemistry was great. the kiss scenes weren't the best but the chemistry between Kongpob and Arthit made up for it. 

I can't stand when in a Bl couple one of the people in the relationship is so ashamed of their partner. Sotus did have a lot of that but it wasn't as bad as other shows like My Engineer. It's okay to be hesitant about PDA especially in a homosexual relationship bc there are still a lot of people who are homophobic and shit. 

speaking of homosexual relationships... how are you supposed to have a gay relationship when neither character is gay??? I get so happy when a BL character is gay and I just-  like being gay should be the bare minimum. labels are nice for solid representation, so when "I don't like men I just like (insert name)" is said I get upset bc the author wants to still have the characters be appealing to a female audience and they don't actually mean that the character is demisexual.  

I feel like all I do in these ratings is nitpick and complain bc I really enjoyed this show and would totally recommend it. there are just some little things that I don't like, but they don't really affect how much I liked the show.

thanks, alivia

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