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Monday Night/Late May

The group looked at Owen after those words left his mouth. He looked like he had been struck by lightning. His wide eyes journeyed down to his notebook that he'd been writing his memories in then back up to the group. "Ring any bells?" Kelsie asked, still looking at the criminal files. "Yeah, really out of tune ones." He said, beginning to read back through his book. "Maybe those are the ones that caused the lack of memory," Arion said, giving an uneasy gaze to Alyssa, "maybe they did something to you." They added. "Let's find out, shall we pay them a small visit?" Bee asked with a smirk, pushing a small map forward on the table. Some shrugs and nods passed along the friends, "I don't see why not," Ellie said, "what do we do first?" she added.

Smiling, Kelsie pulled out markers for the map and spoke in an excited tone, "We need to get their last known locations, and then we see who to hunt down first." Bee added onto Kelsie's thought, "Kelsie, Ellie and I will do the tracking, you others just relax, and Owen please don't strain yourself on trying to remember everything right now, we can do that when we investigate them after they have been caught." Owen nodded and sat his notebook down on the table, giving silent permission to the girls to look at it if needed. Ellie and Kelsie moved closer to Bee as they started their work.

Arion helped Owen up off of the couch and led him to their balcony while Alyssa headed to the kitchen to make everyone herbal tea. Arion held Owen's hand silently, enjoying the time they had together. Owen leaned close to Arion and gave them a small peck on their cheek. Arion giggled quietly, and kissed him back. Neither saying a word. They sat on a small loveseat on the balcony that had been weathered and beaten up, but they didn't complain, they simply smiled at each other. The couple closed the small distance between them, placing their foreheads together, a light kiss being the only thing to stop the smiling only for a second. 

Arion was the first to speak, "I know you are worried about what is going to happen soon, I am too, but I am glad we have this time together." Arion placed their wings around Owen and held him in a warm hug. "I am glad too." Owen stated. Arion backed away, seeing Owen's smile brought them so much joy. They brought their hand up to his face, slowly tracing the dragon scales that poke out of his skin in small patches. Owen hugged Arion once more, soft tears falling from his face, "I don't want to go yet, I haven't spent enough time with you." He said softly, speaking only when he could catch a breath. "I know, I know, darling, I will do my best to save you, just trust me okay?" Arion whispered, holding him tightly, he nodded into their shoulder. "I love you, Arion." Owen stated, looking up to kiss their cheek. "I love you too." Arion replied.

While they stayed outside for a bit longer, silently holding onto each other and to the hope that everything would end well, the others were quite busy inside the suite. Alyssa had made some tea for the working assassins, making sure they were well nourished while they were doing this stressful work. None of them have slept well for years since most of the group were insomniacs or night shift workers, not to mention that killing people for the majority of your life leaves you with some guilt to think about at night. So to counteract that sleep deprivation, they intook quite a lot of caffeine and things to keep them going once the inevitable tired feeling crept in. 

Kelsie had gone to the bathroom to take a bath while the others worked in her place. With her and Bee being sirens, they had to take baths a lot to keep themselves and their tails hydrated, so they wouldn't be hindered during missions. Kelsie's tail was light blue and pretty long, it extended about a foot past where her feet stopped, while Bee's tail stopped at their feet and was a coral color. If they didn't keep their tails hydrated, they could become immobile. 

Most of the time back home, they didn't do swimming missions often, but when they did, they had the most fun. Swimming missions consisted of long nights and lots of singing. Those hits were normally on fugitives who decided to leave by boat or submarine instead of by plane. They got to sink ships and lure the fugitives to their imminent death by whatever lurked in the depths. Sometimes Kelsie got to use her deadly trident to kill their targets, those were her favorites. Jaclyn, like the ones where they got to sing for longer periods of time, slowly torturing those aboard the vessels. But no matter what, killing has consequences. Both of the sirens, along with Ellie as of recently, have suffered from horrific nightmares and unstable mental health which only gets worse with each victim. But they keep doing it, because in their mind, the reward outweighs the consequence. 

In the main room of the suite, Alyssa, Bee, and Ellie had sat continuing to work on finding their targets. Alyssa had been keeping watch over the other two, making sure they weren't over stressing themselves, Bee was waiting for Kelsie to get out, so they could switch, and Ellie had actually found the area that one of the targets, Briana, had been last seen at. She was proud of herself too, rightfully so, she had been training to be an assassin for years but this was the first time she actually got to do the investigation part. Ellie was a good beginner assassin, she was amazing at stealth, and she excelled in taking down bigger targets because of her size when she was a full werewolf. She is planned to be the one to take down Briana since she is half titan. 

Alyssa wasn't into the assassin stuff as much as her friends were, but she was willing to help as long as she didn't have to see it happening. Alyssa has always wanted to be a person who heals, and she always has healed people, but seeing her friends willing hurting people brought her down to the reality that she can't save everyone, no matter how bad or good they are. 

Alyssa had been brought into the 'human' when she was young, she would've stay with the other nymphs if she knew it'd be this hard to get through life, but she can't go back now, once in contact with humans or even hybrids, nymphs weren't allowed to go back to their people. Alyssa had a hard time dealing with this but once she got into this friend group, she started to let it go. She put her energy towards helping others instead of wasting time dwelling on her unchangeable past.

Kelsie had been done with her shower for about 10 minutes by the time Bee was done with theirs. Arion and Owen came back inside, Arion wiping Owen's tears away, they sat down together ready to receive news about the targets. Ellie slid the marked map towards everyone, letting them take it all in. Bee realized before everyone else, looking up at Ellie, "You mean they are..." They stopped mid-thought.

"Yes, all three mercenaries were last seen within 5 minutes of here, which means they have been attracted to something near us, or someone. Owen, they might be coming after you."

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