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Late May/Tuesday Afternoon

The walk back to the suite for Kelsie would be a long one, as it took them five hours to get there in the first place. Kelsie would be fine, as the endurance training she had made all sirens better for long missions as stake-outs. Though she wasn't planning to ever have a mission like this. Doubt was still overflowing in the back of her mind, but she pushed forward because her job was in trouble. She knew that the others probably already informed the ones back at the suite, so Owen may already be hidden, but these people had trained beside her for years, they each knew each others moves like the back of their hands. This mission would be difficult, but Kelsie was determined, more importantly, she was stubborn.

Arion had not been flying for long whenever the hospital appeared in the distance. Owen confirmed their location before Arion started to prepare for their landing. Their wings hurt, this was more pain than they have experienced in a long time, but it was worth it for him. They landed not far from the entrance. Owen let go of Arion once his feet hit the ground, he was shaking. Arion handed his bags to him and looked at him for a second. "Owen, are you alright darling? Can I do anything for you before we go in?" They asked, cupping his face gently. "I'll be okay, flight was a little scary. Would it be okay for me to have a moment alone with my parents once we get in there? I need to apologize." He said, earning a nod from his partner. "Of course, I'll secure the area while you can do that. I have to make sure that no one attacks while I am not beside you. After you are done, come get me, so I make sure you are safe." Arion stated. Then, they went inside, Arion preparing for the worst, while Owen was preparing to make an apology.

"Esteemed Assassins." Ellie recited, tracing her finger across the plaque on the wall. "Is this what you showed her?" Bee asked, bewildered by how a simple room could've messed with their friend. "Yep, your friend just needed something to show her how much rides on this mission." Jessie stated with a smile. "She was on our side though, we have the evidence, we have testimonies, we could make it in court, what did you say to her?" Bee asked, getting more annoyed with Jessie's vague comments. 

"What evidence do you have that could possibly clear his name? We have the video, he did it." Jessie challenged, her wide eyes slightly betraying her calm figure. "The mercenaries we interrogated, the drugged him. There is no premeditation evidence for Owen, but there is for the mercenaries. We can find out who paid them to do it. They only used Owen as a tool. You couldn't charge him with anything more than 3rd degree or involuntary manslaughter, but you can charge the mercenaries, so why are you so intent on killing Owen?" Bee asked, their fist hitting the shelves next to them. 

A knock came on the cell bars. Briana glanced up, Idras did not. A guard stood at the door, his face giving off no readable emotion. "You two are needed in the leader's office. Stand up, I'll check both of you once you both get out of the cell." Briana stood up, keeping her gaze away from Idras to not upset him further. Idras moved slowly, hands shaking and holding onto surfaces near him. The cell opened and the two were scanned as they left. Briana turned to the guard. "Did she say what she needed us for?" Briana asked hesitantly. "No, but if you are both in here for the same thing, I would assume it would be about that. We normally don't do these situations where we keep some people alive, so count yourselves lucky." The guard said with a chuckle. "Lucky, yeah, lucky." Mumbled Idras, who slowly walked out of the room. The two were escorted into the hallway and up to the reception desk, and then were told to wait.

Alyssa pacing helped her think mostly, but for this occasion, she was just buying time. She had placed traps and extra weapons around the suite, for Kelsie in case she was too gone for words. Alyssa's plan was to sit Kelsie down and talk her out of hurting Owen, and even if Kelsie didn't listen, it just gave Arion more time to hide Owen. Alyssa had set out some food and drinks because she knew her friend would be tired, and it would make her more willing to listen. Alyssa cleaned the suite of any trace of Owen and Arion, so Kelsie couldn't track them immediately. She stood tall and waited, putting on a mask of confidence, so Kelsie wouldn't be able to use her emotions as her weakness as many have before. Alyssa wasn't going to be pushed around this time.

"I think we should invite the mercenaries in here. You know, for a chat." Jessie said, pushing a small button on her desk. She then spoke some Latin, and the speaker on her desk replied in English. "Yes ma'am, right away. Though one is seeming emotional, so we will send in a guard with him." Jessie turned back to the assassins and smiled. Ellie glanced at Bee and mouthed, 'Did I do that?' And Bee nodded. "They will be here soon. I understand that you had one executed, correct?" Jessie asked. "Yes ma'am, we did it because he threatened us, company rules." Ellie stated, voice shaking. "Well, what if they now refuse to testify?" She asked. "Lets find out shall we?" Jessie moved over to her door, "Stay there for a second, let me get our friends in here." And with that, she left. The pair stared at each other, mutually agreeing on a plan to make sure that the mercenaries testify.

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