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Late May/Monday night?

As the waiters moved through the room like a record, the song playing through the speaker was turned off once every unnecessary person was out of the building. The neon lights were dimmed and the only people left were the hunters and the hunted. Kelsie took her seat as the doors were locked. The targets tabled was filled with free drinks that occupied the mercenaries, both of the dragon brothers devouring most of them. A silence filled the room as they looked up from their drinks, finally getting a look at the people who orchestrated this.

Back at the suite, Arion had made sure that Owen was safe and asleep before they went to the kitchen to take some medicine. Arion lightly kissed Owen on his forehead prior to leaving the room. They were met with Alyssa sitting on the couch, drinking tea while her leg bounced quietly. Her translucent wings had been almost invisible in the dark room, had they not given off a bit of light, Arion would've forgotten she had them entirely. Alyssa's wings were smaller than Arion's, and they certainly weren't broken like Arion's wings were. It has only been about a week since they were broken too. 

Alyssa did not meet Arion's eyes, she only stared blankly into her tea. "What's got you up, Arion?" she asked before taking a sip of her tea. "Just about to take my medicine, my wings are less sore, they might be healing faster thanks to you." Arion said with a smile, walking over to the counter where they kept everyone's medicine. Alyssa nodded, "Have you been stretching them?" Arion gave a hum of confirmation, "Yeah, but something is bothering you, though, you worried about them too?" Alyssa finally looked up, "I didn't think you could tell, but yeah, I am. Especially about Bee and Kels, Ellie can hold her own." They both let out a laugh of agreement. "If anyone can do this mission, it's them. All we can do is wait." Arion stated. Alyssa replied, "Yeah, but at this pace, waiting may be the death of me." 

Grins fell upon the faces of the dragon brothers while Briana's remained still. Even while sitting, the half-titan managed to tower over the others in the room. The sirens kept their cool, slowly standing up, not letting any emotion betray them. "Briana, Idras, and Imres, is that right?" Kelsie said, moving in front of the other two, holding the files in her hand. Idras replied first, his words slurring, "Yes, of course, and who might you be?" Bee took over, "I think you should know the answer to that, as you've been hunting down one of our friends." The boys smiled wider, giggling to each other. "Mhm, the weak dragon, what's his name?" Imres said, his mocking tone growing by the second. "Owen, the one you framed. We have come here to take all of you into questioning at the Temptress Headquarters." Kelsie stated. 

"Oh?!" Idras exclaimed.

"Temptresses? The siren assassins?" Imres mocked.

"You look like very weak sirens to me, and that one," Idras paused and pointed at Ellie, "doesn't seem like a siren at all, too hairy to be one." Ellie took this chance to shift into a full werewolf. "That's why Idras." Imres said, sticking his tongue out at his brother. The older responded with a slap and the simple phrase of: "Oi shut up, asshole." Briana lifted her hand up towards the brothers to stop their bickering. "Boys, boys," said Briana, finally speaking. "You need to act your age, especially around these esteemed guests." A smirk slowly carried itself across her lips. 

"You can either do this the easy way or the-" Kelsie started before she was cut off by Briana. "Yeah yeah, heard it a million times, we choose the easy way, we are tired of killing people for today, we came here to relax." She finished her drink and sighed, watching the assassins stand there wordless, not expecting that response. "You really thought you did something, huh? Let's get this over with, take us to your leader." Briana mocked, holding her hands out, pretending to be handcuffed. The hunters eyed each other, knowing that this has fallen out of their control. 

They turned around and formed a small circle, whispering about what to do. "Should we just take them in? I mean, they are wiling to go." Ellie gave her thoughts to the others, keeping her eyes on the targets. "Let's make sure they have no weapons or tricks up their sleeve first, and we should be honest with them as well, we aren't going to hurt them until we know their truth." Stated Kelsie, the others nodded in agreement. They turned back around to face Briana and the brothers. 

"Let's go, have any weapons on you? We aren't planning to fight so there is no need for them until we figure out what is going on here." Bee inquired, moving over to the boys, checking their bags. "No weapons," Briana said, "Just money from a deal earlier." Bee checked the case of bills and coins, "Keep it. Come with us, please." Kelsie said, and they did. Calmly and slowly, they made their way out of the nightclub. Kelsie and Bee standing beside the Idras and Imres, and Ellie behind Briana. "What's your leader's name? We know about your organization, just not a lot, and we'd like to know before we get there." Idras said, Imres nodded, wanting to know as well. "Jessie, but we just call her Ma'am, she's the most powerful woman in our world." Kelsie said calmly. Ellie slipped a message to the others back at the suite: Heading to headquarters, got 'em. 

Back at the suite Arion had gotten the message and went to tell Alyssa. Their rushed movements alerted Alyssa and scared her slightly. "Are they okay?" She asked, Arion nodded. "They got them and are going to headquarters."

"We'd better get some sleep then I guess."

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