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Late May/Tuesday Afternoon

"Whatever they said in there, they are lying, Owen did kill the emperor and if we want to keep our jobs, we have to kill Owen." Kelsie said, her voice shaking slightly, though her body did not give off any anxious signals. "How do you know Kels?" Ellie asked, "We were just told that he was drugged into doing it, that can hold up in court. We can save him." She continued, holding her notes from the interrogation in hand, begging her friend. "No, I saw the video, it was him. If you two won't kill him, then I will." Kelsie stated hesitantly. She waited for any sign of agreement from her friends but got none, so she ran. Bee tried to hold her back but Kelsie had slipped out the door before she could be stopped. Ellie and Bee shared a terrified glance. "I'll text Arion, they'll get him out of there. You text Alyssa, she'll have to hold Kelsie off so Arion can hide Owen in time." Ellie said. 

Briana and Idras were sat in a holding cell together. Idras stared into his palms that rested lightly on his knees. They were wet, he had been crying. Sniffles came from the dragon, no words could possibly be said to help him. Briana stared at the ceiling, nothing but guilt filling her mind. She slid over to Idras. She held her arms out to him. "Don't touch me." He said, taking a breath between each word. "You got him killed." He turned his body away from his boss. "I know, and I feel like shit for it, I loved him, I loved both of you. I know I didn't express it but you both meant so much to me. I miss him." She admitted while she teared up. "No, you don't, we were expendable to you. Replaceable. He isn't replaceable to me, B-," He paused, "Briana. You aren't my boss anymore, you don't deserve that title." Idras finished. He started to cry again, and so did Briana. 

Ding. A message from Ellie appeared on Arion's phone. 'Arion, you need to take Owen and run away from the suite because Kelsie is coming to kill him. Alyssa will fend her off, just keep him safe.' Arion's eyes widened. Alyssa entered the room with her phone by her ear, "Ok, I can do that, you stay safe too Bee." She said, ending the call. "Do you wings work yet?" She asked. Arion lifted one wing, poking the broken areas, "I can fly him, what about you?" Arion questioned. "I'm going to try to talk to her, and I'll restrain her if she gets violent with me. I can handle it, just get him out of here. He is on the balcony right now." Arion nodded, grabbing their lightweight essentials and heading to Owen. 

"Are you ready to go baby? We don't have much time." Arion asked their partner. He nodded, "Take care Alyssa, you don't know what this means to me." Owen said, hugging the nymph before grabbing onto Arion. "Don't worry about that, I will be fine. Go now, find someplace safe, and stay there until we call. Stay away from hotels or anything that requires you to check in because she might track you through that." Alyssa said, hurrying to get them away from the suite. They exchanged goodbyes before Arion flew away quickly.

Ellie and Bee had stayed at the headquarters, gearing up before they leave to stop Kelsie. No one around them had stopped their daily business, it was almost like they weren't even there. They two had been planning ever since Kelsie left, they weren't about to lose their friends due to recklessness. Bee stopped for a second, they turned to Ellie with a question on their mind. "Hey Ellie, Kelsie talked to Jessie before she turned on us correct?" The werewolf nodded, "Are you suggesting Jessie changed her mind? Like with the video, Briana warned us about that." Ellie raised an eyebrow. "I think we should pay her a visit, don't you think so too?" Bee suggested. "I think so, we just need to keep in mind what we know, she won't change us like she did with Kelsie." Ellie said, both assassins heading towards Jessie's office.

Jessie sat quietly at her desk, smiling and filling out forms, like nothing had ever happened. The room was cold when Bee and Ellie had entered, they walked in and stood in front of Jessie's desk, waiting for her to lift her head up. "Good afternoon, give me one second to finish this paper, please take a seat." She said, never taking her eyes off the paper. Once she had put down her pen, Jessie looked up at the pair, she slightly gasped and then immediately composed herself. "You must be Mrs. Hunter's friends, I assume you are here to ask about your case." She said calmly. "We have come to ask about what you did to our friend, she turned on us even after we told her that we have solid evidence to clear Owen's name. She's out to kill one of her best friends, and we want to know what you said to her." Bee said, hiding the anger behind their professional look. "Alright, come with me, you'll soon learn too," Jessie said with a smile.

Arion and Owen had been flying for a couple of minutes, they had figured out where they would hide out for the time being. The hospital where Owen's parents were admitted after he hurt them. Owen was hesitant to go but it would be good for them to know that he is safe and for him to understand that he shouldn't feel as guilty for hurting them. Arion knew that it would be hard, but it was their only option. "It should only take about half an hour to get there, prepare yourself Owen, I promise they will accept us in there." Arion said, trying to calm Owen's nerves.

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