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Monday Morning/Early June

"Miss me?" Kelsie asked. She stood calmly in front of the beach house, soaking in the horrified face of her friend. "Didn't take me took long to find you, should've given me a better run." She smiled. Arion turned back to the house and yelled to Owen, panic filling the words they screamed. "Owen! Don't come out here!" Arion locked the door behind her, then turned back to Kelsie. "I don't want to fight you, but you aren't going to hurt him." They stated, standing up straight. "Oh, but I need to. So let's get this over with." Kelsie replied before getting out her trident. Arion had nothing but their hands, so they prayed for strength before attacking someone who was once their best friend.

From inside the house, Owen heard visceral screams and curses. He didn't know who was winning, and he was terrified, but he obeyed Arion. He stayed in the house, even hid in the back closet. He heard a hit land so hard that a bone cracked, an anguished cry coming from what sounded like Arion. Owen kept listening, even though everything in his body told him to run out and fight with them, he heard something hit the ground, not heavy enough to be a person, so probably a weapon, which scared Owen because Arion didn't have a weapon with them. Owen worked up enough courage to leave the room and look through the window. The was blood on the rocks, blood dripping down Arion's nose, and blood coming from Kelsie's cheek. A trident was on the ground next to them, and Arion was under Kelsie, they were wrestling. 

Kelsie gave one more punch to Arion, careful not to use her strength completely on them. Arion was knocked out, not dead, but is seeming like they were made Owen scream from inside the house. Kelsie looked up and saw him in the window, so she picked up her trident and threw it straight at him, and he fell over. The job was done, so she left. Her smile never faded on the way back to headquarters. 

Arion got up about 20 minutes later, their headache making them dizzy and nauseous as they stood up. Dried blood had accumulated around their nose and mouth, nose and wings were broken. The blood reminded them of Kelsie's goal, they ran inside without a second thought. Owen laid on the couch, he had wrapped up the area filled with blood, but he was not moving. Arion gasped, "Owen?" They moved over to him and checked on the wound, it made them gag. They hated seeing their boyfriend like this. Arion checked his pulse, it was there, but it was slow. "Owen? Are you alright, babe?" She asked, touching his face lightly, all she got in return was a small groan, alive. That is all they needed. "I am going to call the others, they aren't too far. Just stay alive for me please. Please, for me." Arion pleaded, holding back tears. 

Alyssa had been taken care of by Bee while Ellie tried contacting Kelsie and Arion, neither of them had answered in hours. An incoming call from Arion filled Ellie's screen right as she was about to head out and look for them, she answered immediately and was about to ask what happened when Arion's panicked voice interrupted her. "Beach house, Owen is badly hurt, need Alyssa now! Please." The sentence starting out in a yell and turning into a whisper. "Ok, on our way, text us the address, keep him awake." Ellie said then she turned to the others and made their way out of the house. 

"Owen, stay with me, they are almost here." Arion said through their tears. They hugged their lover lightly, making sure not to hurt him further. "Can you speak to me?" Arion asked. "Mhm, a little, hurts." Owen muttered. "Everything will be okay, you'll be fine." Arion promised him. Alyssa knocked on the door, Bee and Ellie behind her. Arion let them in quickly, "Please help him, she hit me, and I was out for a while, I couldn't help him, and he had to crawl to get wrapped up, probably lost a lot of blood." Arion begged Alyssa once she got inside. "She knocked be out too, that's how she got here so quickly," she paused and looked at Owen's wounds. "Soil isn't too good out here, so I can't grow anything quickly, there is definitely water, maybe I could try some water healing." She said, staring out the window. "Give me 30 minutes with him, I can do it." 

And she did, Alyssa called the group to come back inside, Owen looked slightly less in pain. Arion sat beside him, holding his hand and crying into his shoulder while he just rested. "Thank you." Arion said to the group, "I am so pissed at her, she almost killed him, and me too, her best friend." They muttered quietly. "We all are, you aren't alone in that." Bee added. "Money will mess people up in the wrong hands, same with her blind loyalty. Good news, Bee and I quit, we are just going to do normal jobs now." Ellie said smiling with the small amount of energy she had left. 

Kelsie was no longer on her hunt, so she took the luxurious way back to headquarters. She made it there quickly and went straight into Jessie's office. The two met halfway, shaking hands for a brief moment. "I assume you've completed your job?" Jessie inquired, leading Kelsie to her desk. "Yes ma'am, anything else you need from me?" Kelsie asked, sitting down, finally taking a second to relax. "Well, you do get your promotion now. I'll promote you up to advanced assassin, sounds good? You'll get special perks if you want to apply to be my right hand." Jessie said. Kelsie perked up instantly, "Of course! I would love that, thank you so-" Kelsie started to exclaim, but was interrupted. "I just got a text, hold on. Wait, that can't be right, he is alive?" Jessie looked up in disgust, "Get out, you are fired, never come back, guards!" Jessie called for the guards to take Kelsie away. "What? What do you mean? He was dead!" Kelsie screamed as she was dragged away. 

The End

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