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Midnight Monday/Late May

Ellie shuffled herself quietly to the nightclub, the neon signs slowly coming into view. There were people leaving and entering the club, no sight of disruption which means that Kelsie and Bee hadn't started anything. Ellie didn't use any weapons, so she didn't have to carry anything but her phone. She relied on her werewolf form to capture and kill targets because it was the most powerful one. 

Ellie got a picture from Bee of the suspected mercenaries, she quickly compared them with the files saved on her phones and matched 2 of the 3 dragon hybrids and the titan to the ones in the picture. She gave a confirmation message to Bee as she arrived at the club. She assumed Bee would already be in the building, but she hadn't gotten a message from Kelsie, so she decided to check the area before heading into the back.

Bee had quietly snuck out the building after getting conformation, so they could wait for Ellie. They made their way to the place where they split up with Kelsie and searched for her. A faint noise was heard when the songs paused for a second before switching to another one. Bee scanned, spotting Ellie arriving, motioning for her to come over. Then behind Ellie was Kelsie. On the ground, curled up and crying. Rocking back and forth while fidgeting with her bracelet. The music must've been too much for her. Bee ran over to the pair and kneeled before Kelsie. 

"Overstimulation?" Bee asked, glancing up to Ellie before giving Kelsie some earplugs to block out the noise for a minute while the others figured out what to do. Ellie nodded, she took out her phone and typed something on the notes app and showed it to Kelsie, who gave a silent nod in return. "I am gonna move her away for a minute, and then we can get our targets together," Ellie spoke, gently lifting her friend up, getting ready to relocate her, "You keep an eye out, make sure they don't leave." Bee watched as Ellie helped Kelsie leave, the siren returning to the position that Kelsie was in, watching through the broken window. They kept an eye on the table that they spotted earlier. 

They hadn't had to deal with Kelsie's overstimulation for a while, so they had almost forgotten that she even had that problem. The last time this happened was over a year ago. They were about to graduate from high school, the group decided to go see a movie. They all sat in the back row of the theater, right next to the speakers. Kelsie sat the closest. Everyone was enjoying the movie, well everyone except her. The movie was a sci-fi take on the hybrid and human war that had happened 40 and some odd years earlier. There was an intense fight scene which caused Kelsie to go into an attack due to the speakers being so close. They dealt with it accordingly but now they were rusty since it has been a while and Arion wasn't there.

Bee watched the targets, waiting for the girls to get back. The dragon brothers had finished up their card game and were not intently listening to the conversation of the titan and siren. The siren did not look like a Temptress agent, so Bee did not recognize her. The lady next to her shifted in her seat, her head almost hitting the ceiling. Briana's file said that she was about 7 feet tall, which is a little less than average for titan hybrids. She had a briefcase next to her, open and filled to the brim with money. They were making a business deal. The siren kept nodding, agreeing with whatever the titan was implying. There was a map on the table, giant red circles around the important places. A waiter came by, setting down drinks for all of the dragon boys. One of them light the top of the drink in fire with their breath, just watching it burn a bright blue. The siren got up once handed her drink, thanking both the waiter and the titan, and left. One of the dragon boys followed suit. The three left kept conversing, showing no signs of leaving anytime soon. 

Kelsie's breathing was slowing down, squeezing Ellie's hand for comfort. Ellie did two hand signs, thumbs up and down, asking Kelsie what state she was in since she had the ear plugs in still. She held a thumbs up, slowly taking out her plugs. "Will you be okay to continue the mission, or is this one a job for Bee and I?" Ellie asked, "Because I'll carry you home right now if I need to." Kelsie shook her head, "I'll be fine, I just need you to find a way to get them to turn down the music before I go in, so I'll stay hidden for a while, until that is sorted." Ellie nodded, hugging Kelsie one last time before going to help Bee. 

Ellie stood next to Bee, they had talked out their plan and were ready to enter the club. They walked inside nonchalantly and sat at a table across from their targets. Once a waiter came over to ask what they wanted, Ellie motioned for him to come closer with two fingers, which she whispered in his ear. "Get everyone out of here except for that table." She stated, eyeing the table of the titan and the dragon boys. "We are on a government task." He nodded, and immediately went into the back room. 

The pair watched as the workers moved about the club, going to each table and asking them to leave for their own safety. The music was turned down and the lights stopped flashing, everything looked like a coordinated dance. A waitress made her way to the targets, asking them to not be alarmed and for them to stay a bit, offering extra drinks on the house. They agreed.

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