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Monday Afternoon/Late May

"Well, even if I did kill him, I'd be doing the world a favor, but I doubt I did kill him because I don't even want to hurt anyone." Owen stated with a shrug. Everyone was beginning to finish their lunches, there were more and more people entering the cafe as it got into the lunch rush hour, so they decided to finish listening to Owen and then head back to the suite.

Ellie chuckled slightly at Owen's sarcastic comment, "Why can't you remember anything anyway, Owen?" She asked. Kelsie rolled her eyes at Ellie because he obviously wouldn't remember what caused the memory loss. "It could be something emotionally traumatic that caused you to lose your memories." Arion said, remembering their psychology training. "Or even something physical." Alyssa added.

Owen nodded in agreement, "Probably a mix, I was so beaten up and bruised, I don't know if I did that to myself or if someone did it to me. I fear the answer either way." He said, "I don't know where we would even begin to find that out." He added.

"Maybe a surveillance camera caught it somewhere, or how else would the Temptresses have known that you were involved, their identification system was not that good until they started using cameras," Kelsie said, "But they have a history of being paid off so who knows what they've seen." She picked up her the small amount of trash in front of her and stood up, everyone followed suit. Bee kept an uneasy look as they spoke, "I think we should talk through our options when we get back to the suite, this subject isn't something we can talk about in public for too long." An unspoken agreement swept through the group as they left the small cafe.

The walk back to the suite was quiet but not awkward, glances were made between Kelsie and Bee as they passed their phones back and forth, giving each other updates on the newest hits from the organization. 

A small click came from the door as they all walked inside. The room smelled fresh and clean, the custodians had just come in right before, so everything felt tidy. Everyone settled into the suite, getting as comfortable as possible to get prepared for the next conversation.

Kelsie gave Bee her phone again, swapping glances one last time before Arion spoke. "Are you going to let us know what is happening or are you just going to keep doing that?" They said with an annoyed tone. "We have been in contact with the leader of the temptresses, they are giving us hits to do right now because they know we have Owen in "captivity" and they think we will kill him on our own time but now that we have been spotted just hanging out with him, we think that they will try to hunt him down, so I think we are going to have to confront the leader." Bee said slowly, making sure everyone comprehended the gravity of their words. "Oh, well, we still aren't even sure if he did it or not so what are we supposed to say to try to convince them to let him stay alive." Alyssa stated.

"We need to carry out the fill-in hits for now, if we don't keep up with those we get investigated, so Bee, Ellie and I will go do that before we do anything else." Kelsie said, moving over to her suitcase to set up her profiles for the new tasks. Ellie and Bee nodded in the agreement. "So if you carry out those, it will keep the temptresses off our back long enough to figure out what really happened?" Owen questioned. "It should, then, we have a couple of options of what to do next." Ellie replied. 

The assassins slowly filled up the small table in the room with their hit boards that they make for each kill that they do. It consisted of various profiles of criminals and mob bosses who are mostly low level but have caused enough ruckus to be considered by the organization. Since the sirens were intermediate assassins, they got to carry out stealth missions most of the time. With Ellie's stealth experience, she should be able to bypass the beginner levels of the temptresses. 

"Who are they?" Alyssa inquired, intently watching them fill out their board of plans. Owen had gotten out a small journal and started writing down everything he could remember that could possibly help in the future, and Arion sat next to him, holding and gently tapping his hand. "The first is a street gang leader who is very resilient to the law here, he's been caught a total of 15 times, but he has always managed to escape, he only does minor crimes, but his disruption of the public is why we have been given him." Kelsie said, skimming over the leader's files, the first of three. "The second is the right-hand man of the first guy, but the last one is interesting." She added, sliding the last file to the middle of the table so everyone could look. 

Bee took it upon themselves to explain the remaining file, with a heavy sigh they stated "This one isn't for the weak, so get ready. This girl single handedly took out an entire police force just because they kidnapped her dog," Shocked faces looked at Bee as they just nodded and continued. "But the only reason we have her as a hit is because the Temptress leader doesn't trust anyone else besides us, the same with Owen's case, so this one must be bad." Bee declared. "What are their names, all three?" Arion asked, still taken aback by the previous story. 

"The girl is named Briana, she is half titan, and they boys are Idras and Imres, both dragon hybrids." Ellie stated hesitantly, trying to read the files as good as possible. 

"I know those names." Owen said, a ghostly look fell on his face.


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