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Wholesome moments in this one boys, very pog!

Sunday Afternoon/Late May

The cabs finally arrived at the hotel. There was a light rain outside and it was cold, just adding to the mood of everyone there. The group helped the frail Owen into the hotel, so they could go up to their suite. The group had bought a cheap suite, so they could all stay together on the trip. They brought Owen inside and let him get a warm shower. While he was showering, they used this time to regroup and talk about future steps.

"I think some of us need to head to the nearest store and get some supplies I need for his medicine. He has severe burns in his lungs, probably from overuse. He also needs clothes and something to make sure he stays calm, like a fidget toy, get Kelsie one while you are there," Alyssa stated while writing a list of needed herbal ingredients that she cannot grow her self. They group agreeded silently. Kelsie smiled at the last words, with her ADHD she doesn't get to control herself in these tough situations. "I can get him some tea, so I can go if someone wants to go with me," Kelsie said. Ellie raised her hand to volunteer. "I got you baybeeeee," Ellie joked, grabbing their belongings to prepare to leave.

The girls left to get the supplies while the others prepared a comfortable spot for Owen to wind down a rest. Arion was ordering some kebabs for him while Bee helped Alyssa make an open spot in the suite kitchen to make the medicines. Alyssa started growing some herbs to specifically heals the burns in his lungs.

Owen quietly walked out of the bathroom, covered in a light blue bathrobe, walking weakly towards the nearest bed. His curly hair soaking wet, scales spotted across his body, dull claws jutting from his fingertips, and fangs hanging out of his mouth slightly. He sat down lightly and sighed heavily which caused him to wince in pain. Arion noticed this and moved over to him after they placed the order for his food. Arion brought him into a small hug and kissed his cheek. He smiled a little bit and kissed them back. He put his head on their shoulder and relaxed." Do you want me to turn on the TV?" Arion asked quietly. He nodded and pointed to what show he wanted to watch, it was Pokemon. Arion did not complain, they just enjoyed the moment with him.

"Can I add mushrooms?" Alyssa questioned, checking off ingredients she can and can't use. "No, see if there is a substitute," Bee replied, remembering the allergies Arion listed earlier. They cooked together most of the time, so them working together on this just made sense. Bee and Alyssa had always been close, and they got along easily. Both of them taught the other something, Alyssa taught Bee medicine and herbology and Bee taught Alyssa luring chants. You never worried about them ever.

You always had to worry about Kelsie and Ellie being left alone though. Why Arion let them go to the store together is a mystery. They were well-behaved when it came to checking things out in line but actually getting things was when they acted up. They got distracted easily and tried on clothes and jewelry and tried to make jokes out of every advertisement they saw. They eventually were able to get the rest of Alyssa's ingredients and some fresh clothes for Owen. All they had left was the fidget toys and the tea. Kelsie and Ellie made their way to the tea and coffee and stood there looking through each tea individually. "I think we should get a black tea because it tastes better than the white and tropical tea," Kelsie stated, happily running her fingers through the different packages then choosing a few black teas that caught her eye. "Okay, let's get these fidget things for you and Owen then let's get back home." Ellie said with a smile, not in too much of a rush. They spent about 5 minutes just getting some fidget toys, so they could focus while having these hard discussions.

"We are back, Alyssa we got your stuff, how is he doing?" Kelsie asked, walking into to suite and handing the ingredient bag to Alyssa and putting the rest on the counter to go through it. "Thank you, we got the medicine started, we just needed those bits." Alyssa said, turning to Bee to finish up the meds for Owen. "He is staying strong," Arion said, kissing his head, "He will be fine though." They added quietly, trying not to disturb him. Ellie came over and sat on her bed, starting to watch Pokemon with Arion and Owen. Kelsie made tea for everyone and passed it around the group, making sure it was made to everyone's taste. Owen sat up when handed the tea, he nodded and smile slightly, thanking her without words. The tea would be very good for him and it would help the medicine that was almost done go down easier. Kelsie smile knowing everyone was happy with her tea choice.

Once the medicine was finished, Alyssa brought it over and started talking Owen through everything he needed to do to heal himself properly. She instructed him to take the medicine twice a day, and to make sure he wasn't setting things on fire for a while. This made him look down and hide his face, still ashamed of what he did. Arion just held him tightly and kissed him again.

For the rest of the night, the group watched various animes together, they ate kebabs and tried to cheer Owen up as much as possible. They all split up into their separate beds to sleep, each bed divided by walls, everyone taking turns doing their hygiene routines. Arion laid next to Owen, holding him lightly, and he kissed them. "Goodnight," being the only word spoken.


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