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Sunday Afternoon/Late May

As the plane landed, everyone slowly got themselves woken up and ready to get off. With every step taken off that plane, mental and emotional preparations were being made by everyone because they had no clue what would be waiting for them. The most information they had was Owen's address and small amount of knowledge about how to get around the UK. They all walked into the airport feeling slightly lost. The group headed to get their bags and regroup their thoughts after the tiresome flight.

The plan so far was to just simply show up at Owen's house and get him help. The sirens had to get to the Temptress headquarters soon, so they could try to negotiate Owen's fate, but they decided to order cabs and hotel rooms for everyone first. They mostly dealt with the groups finances, so they took on this job so the others could worry about a game plan to help Owen.

There was about a 15-minute wait for cabs, so they had more time to talk about their actions. Alyssa was the first to speak up, "Do you know what his mental state is right now? What should we expect?" She asked hesitantly. "He honestly might be upset with us for coming without notice, so be prepared to step back and cover up." Arion stated calmly, their face giving off the silent fear within them. They added, "I don't know what he has been up to, so it is a complete mystery what his physical state is, so you might need to get some medicine prepare." Arion was concerned for their soulmate, they had no idea if he was even alive. He hadn't answered in quite a while. "So once the cabs get here, we drive to his place and just utterly brace ourselves for the worst." Kelsie said solemnly. Arion nodded, picking up their suitcase. 

As they headed for the door of the airport, Ellie asked, "What happens if I get accepted into the Temptresses? What if they don't like me since I am not a siren?" She sounded both interested and slightly sad. "I think they will accept you, you have amazing hunting skills." Kelsie said with an encouraging smile. "You do, whenever you get accepted it will be a small while until you can actually do missions because you have to do the elite training, then you can work your way up the 8 levels of the Temptresses. Kels and I are on level 4." Bee said. "We do lower level assassinations and clean up jobs, simple stuff but still hard work," Kelsie added. Ellie listened intently to their words while trying to absorb all of it. 

The group headed to the cabs that just pulled up. Kelsie, Bee, Ellie, and Alyssa got into one and Arion got into the other alone. They told both drivers to go to the same place which would take about 45 minutes. This gave Arion a chance to think and the others a chance to get their plans together without making Arion more worried. The ride there was calm and relaxed. There was a storm on the way so the clouds were dark and it was getting colder. Arion sat and thought about the back up plans for every different reaction Owen could have since his hybrid made everything unpredictable. They carefully planned out each one to ensure safety.

The other car was the embodiment of chaos. The driver allowed them to have the aux cord, which was a mistake. While Alyssa was looking through her medicine books to prepare for anything Owen might need, the others were just trying to make the most of their time. When it wasn't their turn with the aux, Kelsie and Bee dissociated quietly. Only to be snapped back into reality by Ellie yelling the lyrics to one of her favorite songs. For the rest of the ride they went through different topics, just trying to avoid the situation at hand.

Finally, the moment came. The cabs pulled around the corner of the street that Owen lived on. Everything looked normal until a gray and charred outline of a house came into view. They drove up and stopped directly in front of the house, it was his address. They group slowly climbed out of the cars, taking out their luggage that hadn't been dropped off at the hotel. Arion was the first to step near the house. They heard some rummaging inside, and they froze, not knowing if it was him or some squatter. Arion knew they would have to figure it out soon.

"Owen? Baby, it is me, Arion." Arion stated in a shaky voice. The group had gathered behind them, putting the arms out for comfort. A head popped out of the rubble. It was him. Arion's heart sunk farther than it ever had before. The state he was in looked like he went to hell and came back. Owen recognized his lover and moved towards them slowly. Arion ran into his arms and stayed there for what seemed like an eternity. Owen started crying, overwhelmed because he thought Arion would be disappointed in him. They held each other and stayed on the floor of the burnt house, crying and exchanging 'I love you's. They fit so well in each other's arms, even with Owen being cold and frail, there was still a calm warmth between them.

"I thought you were dead, what happened?" Arion questioned, still wiping tears off of both of them. Owen just simply shook his head, not being able to answer. Arion understood he needed time, so they gave a look to the group that signaled that everyone should head to the hotel, with Owen this time. Alyssa started to examine Owen on the ride there while Arion just whispered, encouraging messages to him. The couple was content for the time being, still highly aware of the fate of Owen, but ignoring it happily.

1000 word pog!!!!

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