Chapter 3 - Before It's Too Late! - Part 2 (Peter)

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Insert song: Dreamcatcher - Deja Vu (Japanese Version)

- The wedding day -

"DON'T LOOK INTO HER EYES!" Zashiki shouted words we wished we'd understand.

"Wha-what?" Betty panicked.

"What did she say?" Ned asked the rest.

"Whatever it is it must be important," I wanted to know as well.

"No shit, spider. If she shouted like that...," MJ commented.

"Don't. Look. Into. The. Eye!" Zashiki repeated himself slowly.

We were still confused and stared at him. Zashiki was frustrated and pointed at his eyes and made a cross sign on his chest. Once we knew what he said, each of us avoided the eyes of the ghost by shutting ours. Betty was too late on reacting, gazed into the eyes of the woman, and was petrified. She dropped down on the floor.


"MJ you okay?" I was worried about the sound.

"Y-yeah?" she answered.

"Ned, man?"

"I'm fine!" he replied.

"Betty?" my call was not replied, "Betty? Hey, you good there?"

It was her. I opened my eyes but looked down to the floor. When I turned left, I found Betty lying still on my right. I touched her neck as soon as I saw her. Her body was cold but she was alive. I shakily reached for my sword. I glanced where the spirit was and nervously moved my sword at it. I somehow managed to injure it. The spirit hissed and ran from us.

"It's safe now guys!" I told the group, picking up Betty from the ground.

"We need to move away from here," MJ held Betty's hand.

"Shit. Pete, what do we do?" Ned became more restless.

"We have to wait for Zashiki," I calmed them down.

Zashiki went out first. He opened the door after checking the situation outside and called us. Without wasting any time we ran from the inn and tailed him closely. He made his way out of the town, with the massive help of Mr. Susanoo. Zashiki found us a secret hideout not faraway and signaled us to wait inside. We didn't know how long we have been waiting. But looking at the dimmer light, it was must have been long.

"It's been hours. If we stay put here, we won't make it to Aoi," MJ stood up and looked outside the blocked window.

"Don't we need to wait for Mr. Susanoo? This wasn't in our plan," Ned opposed, "Besides something bad clearly happened to Betty. We can't leave her behind."

"I know, but we've come this far, Ned! It'd be a waste if we stop," MJ argued.

"Why should we go there, not sure whether we'll succeed or not, and abandon our friend who needs us here?" Ned clapped back.

"Zashiki is on watch and Mr. Susanoo is nearby!" MJ got frustrated.

"He's right, MJ. We can't let Betty wait here alone by herself," I finally spoke up.

"What? What about-"

"And you're right. It'll be a waste if we all stop," I cut her.

"I don't like what you are insinuating, Pete," MJ knew what I meant.

"You guys should wait for Mr. Susanoo here. I'll try my best to save Aoi myself," I headed to the door about to leave.

"Peter, please listen to me," MJ grabbed my hands, "I know how strong you are. I'm aware that you are Spider-Man, the guy who saved us during our field trip. But looking back, you know you need some form of help."

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