Chapter 2 - Days Spent in Another World - Part 1 (Aoi)

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Insert song: Mariya Takeuchi - Plastic Love

- Three nights till the wedding. -

I hated the place. It was too huge. The room given to me was way too big for me to use alone. The ultimate setback of it all was the lack of technology. The boredom which came with it made me groan all day. Usually, I hide my dissatisfaction especially when I'm in front of the owner, but I showed every bit of it by being a bratty bitch towards Mikaboshi. I complained about anything I saw there. It was mostly a genuine reaction but I exaggerated it even more to make him tired of me. The annoying part was seeing him panicking and doing things I ordered him to do. I expected him to ignore me but slowly die inside. But no. He tried his best to appease my anger, which fueled it further. And when I got something I wanted and accidentally reacted satisfyingly, he acted all happy and pleased. Making him give up on keeping me in his house didn't go well.

"Do not knock on my door. Do not wake me up. Do not talk to me. I want the plumbing to be fixed as I wake up tomorrow," I continued my long and exhausting to hear commands, "I do not want to wear yukata. If you don't bring me decent modern clothing, expect me to go naked around the house. Also do not show your face thirty minutes after I got out of my door."

"As you wish, Aoi-kun," Mikaboshi stopped in front of the door to my room after I entered, "What do you want for breakfast tomorrow?"

"Chicken burger, with no vegetables," I requested.

"Where do I suppose to get that?" he looked confused.

"Go figure," I closed the door on his face.

I didn't want to keep acting like that. I cringed at myself every time I opened my mouth. I thought of many ways to get out of here without me trying to get out, but I came to a dead end. Right when I first arrived, I intentionally spoke in English and didn't respond to him when he spoke Japanese. Thing was, I didn't know he would be so kind to me. I visioned myself to sleep on a cell or something as I walked inside. Instead, I found myself staying in the biggest room in the palace. I guessed he wanted to go to the "Beauty and the Beast" route to make me want to stay, so I planned to play "Evil Queen" to throw him off. But for the last two days, he was being more patient than "Jiminy Cricket" and never grew angry. I had to find a way to make him be pissed off somehow. In the movie, Belle messed up with something important and made Beast freaked out and screamed at her. All I needed to do was to do a similar scene, times ten on the level of destruction.

The next morning I waited for Mikaboshi to travel to the land of the living for my craved burger. Once I saw him took off from the palace, I slipped out of my room and roamed around. There were servants everywhere in every corner. The most secretive and hidden place must be the one less touched and visited. And like what I've guessed, such kind of place did exist there. It was located on the northeast side of the huge house. A lot of traps were put in the hallway leading towards the locked room. Thankfully I got my powers and managed to somehow get past them, by destroying all the traps. Once I opened the large wooden door, I immediately saw a statue in the middle resembling a woman from the olden times. At the back of it lied a jar of candies. They were all from different kinds of brands but the same flavor, grape, my least favorite one. I picked one of them and tasted it. Yes, I didn't really like it. Out of nowhere, a giant tree appeared in front of me and about to fall on top of me. A deep black figure appeared between me and the falling tree. I stepped back to distance myself from all of it. Everything disappeared when I knocked at something. It was the statue.

"Shit," is all I could say when I realized the probably expensive statue broken to pieces.

"WHO'S THERE?" Mikaboshi shouted from outside the room.

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