Chapter 7

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"Ugggh..." I groaned, sitting up slowly. A shot of pain traveled through my body and I shrieked. I glanced around me slowly to see I was stuck in a hole, sitting in a small puddle of... my own blood.

I gagged, trying not to throw up I tried to stand up. I definitely couldn't. As I gazed around the hole I realized it went deeper. I didn't dare to go deeper into the abyss I saw.

I took my backpack off and unzipped it, taking out a flashlight and switching it on. I took out a blanket and wrapped it around myself, sitting back against the side of the hole.

It's so dark...

And cold...

Somebody hurry up and save me...

I gasped deeply, a sharp pain shooting through my stomach. "AGHH!!" I screamed. I curled up more in my blanket and started to cry. The pain I was experiencing was unbearable. I gaze up at the opening of the hole as my eye lids started to get heavier... and heavier...

"Shooting Star?!" I heard Bill calling my name over and over. I tried to open my eyes more but couldn't. Bill knelt down at the mouth of the hole and spotted me. "Shooting Star!!" He yelled.

"...Bill..." I whispered before everything. Went. Black.

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