Chapter 9

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I sighed and put my knitting down slowly. I looked at Bill, who was examining a map next to me quietly. I paused, staring at him before opening my mouth.

"Bill?" I said, moving closer to him. "Whatca doing?" I looked at the map which was a full blown map of Gravity Falls. It had way more than just the tiny town on it. I gasped quietly, realizing it also had the bunker me Dipper Wendy and Soos had found last summer. Bill was dragging his finger across it slowly.

"Looking... at... our route." He responded. I tilted my head to show I was confused. He ignored me.

"What route?" I asked quickly. Bill glanced at me quickly. "Well Shooting Star." He responded. "We are on the run, so I decided we needed a route to get to where we're running to."

"Which is?" I questioned.

"New York."

"NEW YORK?!" I screeched, jumping to my feet. "WE'RE GOING TO NEW YORK?!" My voice sounded excited and frightened at the same time. Bill simply nodded. "Bill!! Do you realize you basically kidnapped me?! And now you're dragging me across the country?!" Bill nodded again. I huffed.

"We're gonna need a car." He commented after a moment. "You don't say!" I yelled. Bill rolled his eye.

"HEY. HEY DON'T ROLL YOUR EYE. THIS IS SERIOUS." Bill only rolled his eye again.

I stared at him, annoyed, excited, scared and upset. "Can you go find some fire wood for later?" Bill asked. I sighed and nodded, walking away and grabbing my backpack, being consumed by my thoughts moments later.


After an hour or so I found myself lost. Everything seemed darker and creepier. I wasn't going to stop walking either, that seemed too risky.

"I wish I had a map..." I whispered under my breath. I glanced around, carrying a few sticks in my arms. I mumbled under my breath about how weird all this was. I wasn't mad at Bill but I wasn't happy with him either.

I sighed and sat down on a log, putting the sticks down and pulling my phone out of my pocket. I almost totally forgot that I had it...

There was 9 miss calls from Grunkle Stan, 14 from Wendy and almost 40 from Dipper. Not to mention that my inbox was spammed with messages from Dipper. I sighed, realizing how useless my phone was right now.

Something moved next to me. I looked up quickly and put my phone back into my pocket. I grabbed one of the thicker sticks and stood up.

"Who's there?!" I yelled. Everything stayed quiet. I calmed down a little and knelt down to pick up the rest of the sticks.

I froze, seeing a pair of feet in front of me.

"H..uh..." I whispered, slowly looking up.

A tall, shadowy figure stood in front of me. A few more stepped out of the bushes around me. The one in front of me removed what seemed like a hood from their head. It was a pale boy, with black hair and tiny little tattoos under his eyes that looked like red tear droplets. He grinned as the other figures removed their hoods, most of them having the same tattoos.

I giggled nervously, standing up slowly. "Hello fellas!" I waved. They laughed. The guy in front of me didn't, scowling now. "Hand it over kid." He growled. I stared at him blankly. "Hand what over?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You know exactly what! Now give it up! Or did he tell you to hide it?!" The guy's voice got angrier and angrier. I shook my head quickly. "You're cray cray. I have no clue what you're talking about, dude." I took a step back.

The guy growled, taking out a long dull knife and pointing it at my neck. "Do you know now?" He whispered darkly. I looked down at the knife, my eyes widening slowly.

"I- I still have no idea w- what you're talking about, sir."

The guy jabbed me lightly with the knife, enough to make a tiny mark on my neck. I bit my lip and looked up at his face. The guy was grinning a little bit. "Oh, that's okay little girl. Ya know, I don't think you have to talk if you don't wanna." The guy removed the knife, which had small droplets of scarlet blood on it. He put a hand on my shoulder. I nodded slowly, staring at him.

Suddenly something shot through my back. I shrieked and kicked my foot up quickly, nailing the guy right in between his legs. The guy froze as I staggered back. He screamed.


The rest of the gang immediately lunged forward, trying to grab me. I grabbed a stick and started swinging it, trying to fight them all off. I was doing well until the stick snapped. I looked at it before dropping it and bolting away, grabbing my backpack on the way.

Of course, they all followed.


"BILL!!!" I screamed. I was still running and Bill had finally came into view. Bill looked at me and stood quickly, his jaw dropping.


I grabbed him by his arm quickly, still running. "Just c'mon!" I yelled. Bill followed me quickly, glancing back before looking at me.

"Wha-- There's a fucking sword in your back!" Bill yelled. I nodded, still running. "Thanks for the info!" I replied, laughing quietly and darting towards what looked like a road. The footsteps of the others seemed to get closer, and arrows whizzed past us.

"Shooting Staaar!" Bill yelled again as we ran down the road. I glanced back at him. "Where are we going!" I shrugged.

"Away from THEM!" I said quickly, tugging Bill into a dark tunnel. Bill skid to a sudden stop, making me jerk forward as he pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me and pressing back up against the tunnel wall.

I watched as the gang ran past us like we were invisible. I looked up at Bill, who was also watching. Once the last guy ran past he let go and re-grabbed my arm, running out of the tunnel.

"Where to now?!" I yelled. "We're gonna get that thing out of your back, then we're getting a car!" Bill yelled back. I nodded, glancing back at the tunnel as the guys screamed and yelled at one another.

Well, I guess today can't get any worse. Maybe.

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