Chapter 11

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A/N: This chapter is told from Bill's POV just because.

"Dumbass." I whispered to myself as it started to rain. "Good going Bill you screwed up." I sighed.

I glanced at Shooting Star and felt my face get hot. I couldn't help but think how cute she looked when she was asleep. I immediately felt idiotic for letting the stupid human emotions get to me.

"Ooh why couldn't this thing come EMOTIONS FREE." I groaned and rested my head on the steering wheel.

"Bill, you ought to lift your head. You're still driving." I lifted my head up immediately. I recognized that voice.

"Benjamin?" I whispered. I lifted my head up slowly and looked in one of the mirrors, spotting my older brother Benjamin in the backseat immediately

"BITCH YOU GUESS IT." Benjamin laughed, moving forward and next to me. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. "What the hell do you want?!" I hissed. "Last time I saw you you you were holding the orb and telling me how much you hated our family. Then you disappeared."

"Oh, yeah, about that..." Benjamin smirked. I glared. He was taller than me and in his human form looked around 17 or 18. He had long messy blonde hair and both of his eyes, which were blood red. He wore a ripped up yellow and red suit with a white dress shirt and black pants. I despised him.

"You know I didn't mean it." Benjamin shrugged. "Honestly!" I looked at him again and continued to glare. "You're a dirty liar you know that?"

"Oh, so I'm no different from you then?"

"You're VERY different from me! You TRIED to KILL me!"

"It wasn't the first time for the record!" Benjamin pointed out. "Anyway, I just want the orbs, Bill. And I know you have them."

"I don't have them all I only have one." I said quickly. Benjamin growled. Something cold pressed against my neck, and it probably was a knife. "Then hand it over, brother."

I slammed my foot down on the brake and watched Benjamin flip forward slightly. He shrieked. "GOD DAMMIT." He yelled.

"Could you be quiet? Shooting Star's sleeping." I said calmly. "And like hell I'd give you one of the orbs just so you can help dad start an apocalypse. Have some deer teeth-" "I DON'T WANT YOUR DEER TEETH BILL I WANT THE ORB." Benjamin yelled. He slowly started to fade.

"You know I'll be back for that orb. And if I don't come it'll be someone else. You and your little girlfriend are anything BUT safe BILL MISCHIEF CIPHER." Benjamin disappeared. I tilted my head slightly.

"Okay. Whatever helps you sleep at night." I whispered, beginning to drive again just as Shooting Star began to wake up...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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