Chapter 10

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Bill and I wandered around for a bit before finding a gas station. Bill pulled me into the bathroom quickly and turned me around, pulling the sword out of my back. It didn't even hurt.

"Weeeellll that didn't hurt at all." I said, turning to look at Bill. Bill was examining the sword.

"Of course it didn't. It wouldn't hurt unless you thought about it when it was impaled in you." The sword suddenly evaporated into thin air like it was nothing. I watched quietly before nodding.

"Uh huh..." I nodded. "Now, let's go get that car." I walked out of the bathroom and Bill followed quickly. "Can you ask. I'm not exactly a people person." Bill whispered. I scoffed. "I find that hard to be-" "Shut up." I rolled my eyes and glanced around the gas station.

It was run downed and old, and barely had anyone working there. There was a tall guy leaning against a wall, smoking. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and walked over to him, smiling. Bill watched.

"Hello!" I waved. The guy looked at me. He glared. "Do you know where we could get a car around here?" The guy nodded towards some cars parked nearby. I nodded and walked over to them. "Thanks!"

I looked at all the cars. The one looked positively wonderful while the others looked really old. Bill walked over to me and looked at the cars, then at a very short man who had waddled over. "Hey! Are you two interested in a-" The man started but Bill cut him off. "Yes. That one." Bill pointed to the amazing looking car. The man laughed. Bill looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Ha, sorry patchy but that's MY car." The man grinned. Bill growled quietly. "Don't call me patchy." He whispered.

"Since you're a bit young y'all can have..." the man paused and pointed to the oldest car. "That one." The man looked at Bill and grinned wider. Bill hissed. "Why can't we have a newer-" "-because that's how business works my boy! I'll give it to you for... 'bout $400. And that's pretty cheap!" The man had tugged Bill down and put his arm around his neck. Bill tried to get away but seemed to be struggling.

I frowned. 400 bucks was all I had saved up. "Um... can we have a better offer maybe?" The man looked at me and let go of Bill, putting his arm around me. "Well, maybe you can have it for $399.99... but that's my final offer." I sighed and looked at Bill.

Bill was still glaring at the man. He had something in his hands. He had a frying pan.

I blinked, staring at Bill dead in his one eye. Bill raised the frying pan and quickly hit the man over his head without missing a beat. I flinched when the man hit the ground, face first too. "Bill- !" I started to say but he grabbed me and tugged me into the best looking car, the man's car. He shoved me into the back seat and got into the driver's.

Bill started the car and immediately started driving. I sat up quickly, climbing forward towards the front. "Bill!! You can't just do that!" I yelled. "Yes I can." Bill responded blankly, giving me a bored look. I sighed.

"When that dude wakes up he'll totally call the cops on us." I sighed again. "If he wakes up." Bill smirked. I gasped, climbing into the front seat. I frowned.



"YOU CAN'T JUST KILL PEOPLE." I face palmed. "Yeah I can." Bill whispered. I rolled my eyes, glancing at him.

"You're hopeless."

"Thanks shooting star."

I huffed, turning on the radio before I could reach across the seat and slap Bill. Sweater Weather by the Neighborhood was playing.

Bill shifted in his seat slightly, the slightest look of aimlessness on his face. I glanced at him. "What now?" I said, hissing a bit. Bill glanced right back at me. "Nothing... this song just... makes me have a strange feeling." He repiled quickly.

I shrugged, then laid back. "Ima take a nap." I looked out the window. Bill nodded.

"That's all you do Shooting Star."

"Well sorry but when it's midnight and I'm wide awake and you're not you'll thank me."

Bill rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah.. have a nice nap"

"You too."

A/N: That was a rough ending sorry

Wanted (Gravity Falls Fan fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें