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i think i'll drop out of school soon.

these guys pushed me down in the hall
today. my books went everywhere and people laughed.

"kill yourself fag"

"go slit your wrists you emo freak"

"you should drink bleach"

"your mom should've an abortion"

"just off yourself like your stupid girlfriend"

maybe i will.

- ??/??/2015


these are all very real insults that i, thankfully, have never been told. but i have heard them be said to people. and it breaks my heart knowing that people purposefully say someone should kill themselves.

this book is not meant to romanticise suicide, self-harm, or any of that. i myself have self-harmed and been suicidal and i would never think those things are cool, or beautiful.

please do not think that because i write this, i am saying that doing it is ok. it isn't you guys. if you are suicidal or you self-harm, please talk to me or someone you trust. let someone help you feel better.

"suicide is a permanent solution, to temporary problems" - robin williams

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