:: answers ::

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heres yalls answers bc yall are thirsty af i bet

:: for michael ::

- how long were you and "the girl" together?

- we were together for two years

- were you upset when lilian and calum got together?

- i was a bit because i knew calum wouldn't be there for me as often. i needed him and he goes off and leaves me for her? yeah she is vvv nice, but i just needed him.

:: for the girl he still loves and writes to everyday yet is no longer alive ::

- do you sport a name or do you wish to remain anonymous?

- i would rather my name not be shown. nothing personal, i just don't want my identity strewn everywhere. im sure you wouldn't do that, nor would michael, but if he wishes to keep my name a secret, thats his choice.

- what led you to suicide?

- lots of things. my life made me sick and i would wake up wanting to die. it wasn't michael, or my parents. it was my thoughts. it was being so tired of living and wanting to end the sadness. theres so many other things, but it would take a novel to fit them all.

:: for calum ::

- why don't you talk to michael that much anymore ??

- i try. i do. he just, he likes to push people away. he pushes me away because he's like, scared that his problems will hurt me. i try to talk to him. i really do.

:: for luke ::

- so you said you love ashton but have you told him yet?

- well, um... no ? i haven't told him face-to-face. i have a feeling that he knows i do though.

- does your mon know you like boys? if so- how'd she react?

- she knows. and she likes to tease me about it. she had a fit when i told her i like guys. she was laughing and yelling and making a fuss. the good kind of fuss though.

:: for ashton ::

- if luke said he liked you would you date him?

- um, possibly. i mean, we are "dating" as of now. but i think we're both just trying this out, seeing if we like it. i like it. i like him. so yeah. i'd definitely date him.

- if you don't already you should date luke.

- ;)))))))))

:: for lilian lololol ::

- howscaluminbed ?

- like a little kid. he fucking giggles too much. unless he's really in the mood, then he's quiet and sweet and he's pretty much amazing. you should see him after sex though. so cute.

:: for me ::

- when's our wedding?

- "we dont need no paper from city hall" ;-) onf im laughing i just did that ! no ok fr fr. whenever you want birdie :-)

- what gave you the idea to write this?

- i actually got inspiration from two songs :-). most of the idea came from the song "when she loved me" by sarah mclachlan. the lyrics really hit me when i listen to it, and it just sort of sparked an idea. the other song is "terrible things" by mayday parade. i know that song isnt about suicide or anything, but it was also part of the idea behind this story in some way lolol.


omf the song "say you love me" by jessie ware is on im getting crunk bye

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